Friday, October 14, 2022

Windy day

Once I had fed H outside, I grabbed a coffee and played a quick brain game. After a bath Mom had a coffee and sourdough bread and visited before heading to town at 10. S had joined in for coffee and bread after letting cats out. The day is dreary out but 14. I stenciled the white ruler with black markings then painted Thea's another coat of grey.

S cleaned the hot tub filters then held the mirror so I could snap a picture of the vanity dropped off. He headed to big brown to peruse the internet again as I scrubbed it all up, wiped and left to dry. Inside I worked on setting more things up on the new computer with a bowl of soup for lunch.

Back to the garage to stencil markings on the grey ruler and do touch ups on the white. S got motivated to haul out his hockey gear and washed it up. He took it to the deck to scrub and rinse and hang to dry. The wind picked up like crazy now so should dry in short order. Even a bit of rain came down briefly.

S loaded up H and headed to town after 3:30 to pick up Cooper for Britt who was called into work last night and only got home early this am for a quick nap and back to work. He grabbed groceries for tacos, picked up a parcel at the mail and grabbed up a tea. I went out in the blustery wind and fed the 2 horses when the sun popped out for a short visit. I was just coming in when S and dogs returned after 5.

I got Harley out of the truck and fed her supper; I had cut up thick pork ribs to go with her ground meal. S ran the quad and trailer full of tree branches to the pit and picked up a paint parcel that was just delivered to the gate. I opened the packages while I cooked up the taco meat. S chopped tomatoes and avocados for the fave meal.

S watched a ball game, the winds continued to blow with another brief bout of rain. I putzed around in garage organizing and tidying.

Dave was out with the dump trailer around 7:30, parked and came in for a beer and a visit. Mom called to say Dad was having a bad evening and could I pop in. Dave headed home after 8 and I was off to town not long after. Dad and I did a short walk around the building then I got him in bed and tucked in for a nap. I was back home by 9.

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