Thursday, October 13, 2022

New computer/printer set up

We had our first coffee in bed then a second one with Mom after I fed H. Mom visited till after 10 while she and S had breakfast. I panned the sourdough then got busy dark waxing the table legs while S got on his laptop. Photos were next but it was too bright so moved on to computer work.

The dresser customer arrived at noon, she and I unloaded the matching vanity to be painted and loaded the finished dresser and she was off. S had lunch then back to big brown to rest and peruse the online auctions ending today. 

It was then on to setting up my new printer which is always a pain but S wanted a rental contract printed. Once I finished getting all set up, I had a bowl of soup. Then it was on to setting up the computer which is even a bigger pain in the butt. While I did this S moved to the couch and had a nap. He and H ran to town after 3 to drop off the rental contract, grab some parts and check in on Cooper and Gulliver. I continued working on setting up the computer. S was back in short order as B said pets were fine as she was watching them on her Furbo. He took H for a walk as it was beautiful at 18 out and she has not been getting many walks lately. Back inside he hit big brown. The lighting got better so I took some dining table photos.

A break had me pressing out the pizza dough I took out earlier then let it rest. After more setup I made the pizza, panned the bread and put in oven that was heated up. Salad to start then pizza and once the bread was out of the oven we went for a hot tub. It was a beautiful evening; this weather is fantastic.

B was out to feed horses as we were getting out. After his shower S was off to the TV room for the first Flames game of the year. B was off for home in short order. After my shower I started some Bling Empire finishing season 2 as Mom arrived before 8. We visited while she had pizza then she was off to watch her laptop and I resume season 3.

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