Thursday, May 19, 2022

Rainy Day = Cleaning day

Wind blew all night long. I finally took a sleeping pill and puffer (prescribed to help rid covid cough) at 3:30 then let H out and to her kennel but cannot remember time LOL. We slept till almost 9 then I went and fed her and put coffee on serving prince his in bed. The wind finally blew in rain at 10 as we relaxed in bed catching up on the blog for me and internet for S. The ugly weather outside made it a good day to laze in bed with our devices and hot coffee.

I made us yummy spinach fruit salads with the last of the tenderloin on the side for lunch. Then it was time to get cleaning. I vacuuming the main floor and washed the hardwood, our ensuite was cleaned and bedding thrown in the wash then we go working on a rainy day project.. closet cleaning. S yay or nayed his closet selection then we wiped hangers and shelves and rehung/placed. This was extremely tiring requiring a nap on the couch :)

The rain let up then was back for a bit really coming down then let up. I got started on my closet shelves but got sidetracked photographing a Flames jersey S is going to sell. Getting on the computer to post it I was distracted yet again finishing the desk tutorial . Now to get it shared and such. I made us a hot chai tea once S was awake at 4:30 to warm our tummies in the cold blustery day. The sun popped out at 5 but the wind continued, boo!! It did not stay out long and the rain was back.

For supper I took an easy route and had thawed a shrimp ring. Left over veggies and a fresh homemade coleslaw were the sides. S ran the cats some food and water while I got supper ready coincidently as the latest downpour let loose. We are actually getting puddles now! 

KD lips video is easier to see issue

After supper S was in big brown watching hockey and reading some articles while I worked on catching up the blog. The rain turned to slushy blobs then let up around 6:30. The rain started back up around 7 which was bad for B who was out to feed before 7:30. She also found KD mouth swollen so had me come out to help hold her. She gave her bute, a quick exam and hope the swelling goes down. She and Cooper were off before 8 just as the slush started up again. B picked a wheelbarrow full of crap last night and trimmed Harley's nails while we were at the game, THANKS B!!

Can you see the wet snow/rain drops?

I cleaned the other 2 bathrooms and washed their floors then S helped me remake our bed so he could crawl in to watch hockey and the rain. He is thinking we have gotten close to an inch already. I made us a protein smoothie and once I settled in I put on headphones and watched some QOTS.

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