Friday, May 20, 2022

Flames lose ;(

S woke to pee around 2:30 which had H wanting out then too so after letting her out for a bit she was put in kennel. Then neither of us could fall back to sleep so a sleeping aid was in order at 3:30 that had me sleeping till 9:15 when I heard her whining in the kennel. I let her out then went to make her breakfast, sweep the garage floor then make coffee. I had one while I played a game or two. The prince had a nice sleep in when I delivered him a hot sup after getting a refill for myself.

There was a spattering of rain again then the sun popped out for a bit and the horses came in to closest paddock. I ran out to check KD's lip that seems better, it is not slowing down her eating :) Once back inside the dark skies to the west unleashed more rain that turned sleety at 11 as S went to let cats out. It was short lived.

May I rest my head here boss?

S then hit the couch for a nap under a blanket with this dreary weather as I worked on the bread box tutorial and had a zoom paint meeting at noon. Once it ended I made us egg salad sandwiches with shrimp on the side for lunch. The rain was back for a short stint then over with just the wind remaining which sadly seems to be drying things up.

Back to the computer I wrote a Hometalk post for the wee dresser still available. S moved to big brown to do some online researching and another nap. This dreary day is making for another lazy one. I finished my bread box tutorial but wont post it till next week. It was then on to other to do things on the list. The sun came out before 3 so I headed out and took the rain sheets off the 2 horses and cleaned up all the poop on the gravel. The wagon I put it in has over an inch of yucky water in it LOL. Back inside it was tea and snack with S then I was back to accounting.

The wind remained all day making for a yucky day. I cooked up a yummy salmon supper finishing up in time for the first hockey game of the night. Kaylin and Nathan got last minute tickets center ice row 3.. wow!! I finally caught the blog up again. We headed out to have a hot tub soak before the big game. B arrived at her usual 7:30 while we were in the tub to feed and give KD more bute. After a shower S treated the tub to its weekly chemical dose then back to hockey.

looks allot different then last few games LOL

I made up a tasty protein smoothie. We moved to the TV room for the big game but it seems we needed to attend to be the good luck charm as the Flames ended up losing after starting out strong. Dam the luck. Once the game ended I crawled into bed and watched some QOTS but shut out lights fairly soon. S watched the post game chatter before coming to bed.

Happy birthday Debby Dawn!

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