Monday, April 4, 2022

Wind derailed quadding again

I was wide awake after 7 and headed to computer to get the blog from couple days ago posted and worked on a few other things before the prince was up to make coffee around 8:30. The winds were howling once again derailing our plan to go to the mountains ;( After 2 coffees I ran out to feed cats who were out?? I found the back arena door blew open in the wind as to where they got out. The door chain was snapped and an even bigger dent in the siding from the doorknob.  I then got to work rearranging the living room, the only room I can move around in the whole house. S helped with the bigger pieces and was happy to have big brown back to the south with a good TV view. Vacuuming was finished around the great room and put away. I always love a new layout.

S fried hot dogs planned for the outing for lunch then contacted a solar buyer and worked out our last year of use and extra sent to the grid. I bottled kombucha then made a strong tea and left it to rest having too much on hand. It was disappointing the winds continue with no reprieve even though it hit about 10 degrees. Being forced to stay inside did lead to putting together an updated task/goal list and idea conversations. Harley was given an esophagus to go power down outside.

Bison rib eye Steak was cooked in high winds, thanks S! I prepped veggies to go with it for an enjoyable meal. We were finishing up when B arrived to feed the horses. She popped in for a short visit then off for home. As blustery as it is H needed her walk so S again reluctantly joined me to walk. I fed the cats, locked them up then we headed west to tree line and along the trees to the gate where I found a parcel for Shaina. We reversed back along the trees and back to the house. 

Back in the house we donned our swimsuits, filled a water bottle and made our way out to the hot tub but found the wind had picked up even more and seeing it was blowing from the west we decided not to get in after opening the lid and worrying the rest may blow open. S started watching the Flames late game from big brown as I made us a smoothie and typed blog. He moved to our bed to watch with me joining and started Turning Red on my iPad but switching to Home Edit but I got dozy and fell asleep. I drifted hearing the rain patter a bit on the windows then dried quickly with the wind and S's excitement when the Flames won in overtime ;)

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