Sunday, April 3, 2022

Fox & coyote chases

I slept in till after 8 but awoke with a headache again, S slept till after 10! Coffee was served before 10:30 with plans to head to the mountains today with the Ranger. We were having a coffee in the living room when I looked out to see a fox coming along south fence line towards the shop. S ran to get his gun, snuck out front door and took a shot. The shot missed so he hustled around the shop in his housecoat to find the fox still nearby, he fired again with a hit but not fatal. He had to come back for more ammo, changed to PJs and a coat and set off again to take a few sniper shoots then to retrieve the ranger to follow the fox south. Britt and Cooper arrived while he was doing so and it seems Cooper took off after the fox. Coop returned with blood on his face/paws that had B alarmed. 

B lunged Roo, once S was back having solved the fox issue, I took the cats food. We decided not to go to the mountains as it was cold out at only plus 2 with a breeze. I got busy doing more laundry and rug cleaning, this time trying the stairs but not much luck as awkward. Once back in for more coffee S had some left over Chinese for lunch. Mom popped out with Tim's for us all at 1:30, THANKS!! I prepped short ribs for supper while we visited. B went out to feed and came back in to say Cooper had set off after a coyote who was in the field to the north!! H chased for only a short way :) Wow what a busy day for the 4 legged infiltrators. Mom was off in an hour to town to take Dad for ice cream then get ready to head home.

S helped me move the coffee table then a rest in big brown. I took couch apart and vacuumed well and the area rug then got to cleaning it, YUCK! B did more things with the horses before heading home. S loaded the ranger in the dump trailer and ran to town to fill it with fuel, grab some groceries and get oil for Sadie. I continued on with cleaning the carpets in the basement again with loads of dirty water.

Once back after 6 I added the carrots and potatoes to the ribs and S went to change the oil. I went to help him finish up and bring car back to garage before we ate the yummy ribs late after 7. H was missing her walk and me my steps so S joined us in a 1.6 mile loop in the dusk to dark followed by a hot tub. Back inside S was surprised to find his blood pressure was very low for him and even had to take it 3 times to be sure :)  we then watched a couple Vikings; Valhalla before lights out.

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