Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Winds continues

Another early start for me while the prince caught some sleep before his travel day. The wind still is blowing with no end in sight. I got a blog post up then started more laundry till S was up and ready for coffee. I showered up for the day seeing I have my Body Smart coach meeting at noon. S loaded the wire he sold in his car to meet guy at airport later today while I worked to take Dad's table apart. I did require S's help to source a Robinson screw driver for the last 4 screws. Next up was a haircut for S with my help in the back and a shave.

Lunch was early then S went out into the hurricane winds during my hour call and prep the harrows. This required drilling holes in a new wood draw bar and getting it hooked up. He also added a couple more braces on bottom of the hot tub shelter wall before coming in after 1. We changed into suits and barred the winds in the hot tub. It actually turned out not bad with the shelter wall providing relief from the wind. The +11 sun was also out so added to the experience. We got out before 2 so S could shower quick, gather his last few things and make his way to the airport soon after. He dropped the trash on the way.

I started to catch up on the marketing I have neglected for the week with him home with a protein smoothie as late lunch/early supper while doing so. Neighbor Marissa messaged this am enquiring about a dresser and I was now able to send all options and chat about it. Of course she chose one that is in the shop and needs to be lifted over with the skid steer, of course S just left. Dog/cat food was ordered to be delivered tomorrow and some spa supplies. B was out a bit later then normal, heated a bowl of soup from her lunch then out to feed. I bundled up, popped in my headphones and took the dogs for a walk along the tree line again collecting trash along the way. Back at the house B was riding Pepper around to water so I helped shoo the rest to follow her. The wind was letting up a bit so I carried on scooping poop as well as all the crap that blew out of the crap bucket I had collected and blew over in the wind. Closing up the shop doors, feeding cats and putting away were next. B brought Biebs in to trim his front feet. 

Harley loves to run up and thru the big poop piles

I headed back to the garage and put the transfers on one side. B got Roo and did some lunging then wrapped up her horse evening heading home before 9 as I was catching up the blog listening to podcasts. The winds finally eased up as I finished up after 10 and headed to bed, having a short call with S who arrived safely to his room at 9. I continued listening to podcasts till sleepy.

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