Thursday, March 31, 2022

Dad moves to Strathmore

The morning started early yet again. I woke at 1:30, let H out at 3:30 woke again at 5:30, 6:30 then finally just woke up after 7. S woke earlier then normal too and made coffee before 7:30. The ground was covered with snow, the moisture we desperately need. We had a couple coffees in bed while I searched up river front properties and shared with S as he multitasked with his phone. I staged the tea pot up.

video view

the moisture is welcome

I then got on to marketing when a gal wanting to buy some wood filler messaged wanting to come now. I looked out to see "Darren" tree flat sideways!! And ice was everywhere. The rain snow combo was allot more destructive then I thought. S went to let cats out with food and grab a stake. I met him at the tree after the gal arrived to get her stuff.  The hot wire had an inch of ice on it and hanging down when I opened it for her to loop around. The trees were laddened with the ice too. We got it staked with a metal post and larger wooden this time.

I then scooped some poop, snapped pics then went in to paint the end table a coat of primer while S went inside. S got tools and had me meet him at the rustic shelter to put the hooks up. He has an idea to hang a bison head in the center so we looked at the choices in the shop and he decided. It was now lunch time so I made egg salad sandwiches and S added the last of the spaghetti sauce and bread to go with his sandwich.

I totally missed my coach meeting at noon :(. Rest time for the prince while I did a quick bit of computer work and found screws and a driver to hang the picture frame. Mom text they were close to Stathmore after 2 so we loaded up and headed in to meet her, Dad, Travis, Amanda and Aislyn to get him moved into his new place. We had his stuff up and arranged and meet and greet done by 3:30 but putzed around till almost 5 when we all headed to the Station for supper. Paetz's had some delays but eventually all 6 arrived. We had a nice meal, THANKS Mom and Dad for supper then all were off in different directions.

We arrived home at 7 to find B had let H out of her kennel and fed her, THANKS! Then S went to watch hockey while I took Harley and Stella for a 1.6 mile walk. Stella has her groove back but was sure tuckered by the end. J met us on the last little ways back to the house. 

Roo was curious as to Stella out for a walk

I got their food and put them away for the night then came in. I was working to catch up Tuesday's blog when S came up after first intermission and headed to the tub. I joined him for a bit but he left to go watch the 2nd. After I was done I closed it up, showered and worked on catching up today's blog. In bed I started my online nutrition course thru Body Smart. S did not come up to go to bed till after 11:30 then sound asleep.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

18 degree day to snow - rollercoaster weather

H went out before 2 then to the garage allowing me to get back to sleep till after 7 when I heard her scratch but left her there. I have a dull headache but see no weather change happening. I put on Dr Ho and played some brain games till after 8:30 when I fed her early and made coffee. I brought he sleepy prince his coffee in bed and we caught up on the week away. Once up he went to let cats out, dip a strip in the spa then adding chemicals as I caught up on marketing. He had an online meeting at 11:30 so I went out to prep more on the end table and valet then did a poop scoop loop . The sun was out in full force and went from -1 upon waking to 10 before noon.

The last of the soup was enjoyed for lunch with the news followed by another online meeting. S then hit big brown for a nap at 2 as I took H for our 1.6 MILE walk. Once back he was up and ready to go. We hopped in the ranger and looped around to do fence repairs fixing a missing staple and patching a broken lower strand on the north side. We then drove around to check the hay/poop to decide if need to skid steer tidy. It was now 18 out so once back at the shop we loaded 2 deck chairs and brought over to deck and enjoyed a cold beer in the beauty afternoon.

The wind started to pick up so we headed in. I fed H a bit earlier then we ate after 5 having the macaroni and sauce I made the other day. S hit the couch then took a call from Craig that took over an hour. I did my workout, unloaded the dishwasher and worked on the blog while he continued to chat. B arrived at usual time, fed her horses then rode Pepper and led them around to water. She then worked Roo in the round pen and rode her in a saddle today. S finally finished up the call at 7:30, we hit the hot tub for a soak in the sunset sunshine. B brought Roo over to experience the new noises before she headed home. The wind started to pick up and sent us inside at 8:15 in a hurry.

Peekaboo Harley

S watched the Oilers hockey game while I perused swim bottoms and spa supplies online and the winds howled. Rain started around 11 turning to snow at midnight. When I let H out before 3:30 the winds had let up and snow covered the ground. The moisture is welcome.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Back to nice plus 8 day

The ground was covered in snow when H went out after 4. I tossed and turned and drifted a bit before waking for the day after 7. I perused Instagram and played a few brain games before Mom called to say there was a miscommunication on moving Dad in today and they were turning around. I got H fed after 9, fed and let cats out and got busy tidying my house as Sharon is coming for coffee. We have been trying to get our coffee in for about 2 months now and always had a conflict. I ran and opened the yard gate for her too. The snow is melting with the sun and plus 2. She arrived around 10 and our visit was enjoyed for 3 hours. Of course we have lots to catch up on and lots still to share next time planned for 2 weeks from today. She was off after 1 with me being her gate man again.

I did some computer work then tested the tub to find the chlorine low again. Chemicals added and left to circulate I took H for our property 2 km walk in the now plus 8 sunshine. Back to the house I retested the tub and had minor success with chorine levels. I will leave this till the water boy can address tomorrow when home.

Inside I caught up the blog from yesterday and added photos. I enjoyed a yummy bowl of my soup for supper after feeding H of course. Then it was time to repair Dad's frame; the layers were brad nailed together, D hooks installed on the back to affix to the wall securely as this place allows things hung and the frame edges were touched up in fresh navy paint.

Next I glued one of the valets loose lining then hauled out the end table. Britt and Dave arrived at the usual time to feed. I sorted thru all the new transfers to decide what one I wanted to use on this table. I knew it would be the perfect size to "bedazzle". It was wiped and a a transfer laid out then colors sorted thru narrowing it down to two. 

I took the cats food as B and Dave were tacking up to ride in the round pen in the beautiful evening glow. After snapping a few pictures I came in, made a protein smoothie and worked on the blog while watching the last couple Bridgertons episodes of the season. The townies headed home at 8 and I finished up at 9:30 heading to bed to relax with new season of Cheer waiting for the prince to arrive home. He was home early today at 10:30, changed into a suit and we hit the hot tub for half an hour then back in to shower and hit the sheets. He was asleep in short order as I watched some more cheer till midnight.

Monday, March 28, 2022

High of 0 day

The day was ugly and super grey almost misty but not and cold (0) when I woke for the day after 7. Of course I woke at 2, 4 and 6 as well with H going out at 4:30 then to garage. It was chilly in the house so coffee was in order after H had her breakfast. I bundled up to go let the cats out and feed as the wind was biting. While I was out it was a loop to scoop with the poop bucket then the wheelbarrow to get the last of the horse piles. I set up a water area for the bees having a brain wave in bed this am. I hope it works.

I set in garden first then moved to the globe pedestal but H still thinks it is a water dish for her :)

I then went to check the willow tree that looked to be budding out from the hot tub and sure enough it was covered in pussy willows. I grabbed my pruners and pruned branches needing it and made a bouquet. This tree really sheds dead branches like crazy but easily. Inside I put them in a vase and did some marketing then had a bowl of soup for lunch.

I ran to town after 1 stopping at Amanda's to borrow her rug cleaner and pick up Dad's photo frame I made him that needs another repair and a short visit. A stop at the dental clinic was next then to pickup an end table and Cooper in the NE area. Sadie needed a good wash now the roads are dried up and yikes prices went up there too. The last stop was to grab a chai tea and head back to the ranch.

the tea pot had gold added

Time to work on marketing with my tea and writing a tutorial for the blue dresser. The ugly day outside with the blowing wind made it a great day to get this done. That and I have to have another post for my contract before the end of March and it is almost here. I took a break to cook a healthy supper; homemade meat sauce and spaghetti. I ate after feeding the dogs, B arrived at her usual time picking up an antique rocking chair that was at the same place I got the end table from after the lady never showed.

She ate a plate full then battled the winds to feed horses. I took the cats food and put them in and think today may be the first day since getting the hot tub that I might not go in the winds. B headed home after feeding and I finished the dresser tutorial then posted in all the usual sites and emailed the paint company. S encouraged me to go in the hot tub claiming perfect weather so I donned my suit and headed out. It was now snowing!! And once in I had to agree it was a perfect night to tub with light snow falling and 104 temps in the tub. I wasn't even freezing when I got out which was good as my housecoat was covered in soft snow. A quick shower off and into the warm cozy covers to watch more Bridgerton with a yogurt fruit bowl.

snow cam :)

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Window washer

It was -3 again when I let H out at 6:20 for the second time in the night. After putting her in the kennel I fell back asleep, yay. I had time for some brain games waking after 8 then fed her outside some yummy deer from Gooch then let the cats out with soft food. The sun was warming the day. I started with a tea and a small raisin bran bowl doing marketing after putting some soup bones on to cook. I amped it up with an iced coffee as I applied the peacock decals to the tea pot. 

It is looking like all is moving ahead for Dad's move to Strathmore. I had a few phone calls with Mom to help sort lists and furniture to bring etc. During the last call with mom I made a spinach salad for my late lunch. Computer work followed, B and C arrived to spend the day with horses. First up B trimmed KD as I washed all the windows outside around the house I could reach. Of course the ones we see so dirty all the time are the high up west windows but I could not find the extension pole nor wanted to get a ladder. The day is beautiful at 14+ out.

this odd growth has being growing on the shubert so I cut it off and tossed in trash

I tested the spa to find the chlorine low again so after chatting with water man S I added more and let it bubble. The bees are swarming, I scooped out about 50 but they keep coming. I then went in to prep veggies and such for the soup. B had moved on to lunging Roo after feeding and wanted a leg up. This was first ride on the year so asked for me to stay as she rode bareback in the round pen. She trimmed her up after riding and I was back to feeding H and soup making. 

I tested the tub and found the chlorine levels good but 50 more drown bees. I had S contact the winery to tell their bee people that they were losing lots and he read online it would help for them to provide a water source near the beehives. Hope they do so.

just watch these silly bees

B moved the horses across the yard for water now the paddock gates are free from the big snow bank then she came in at 6 for our soup supper. She and Cooper dined and dashed once done. I went to let Harley in finding her muddy so decided to get my steps in and take her for a walk, put the cats away with food once back then brush her off. She then laid down in the garage as I came in to do my kombucha. Today I tried an experiment with jam as the fruit flavoring. Lets see what happens. After writing the blog I headed out for a soak in the hot tub; first time having to put up with the feedlot smell but soon the breeze carried it away. Back inside it was shower, bit of computer work then into bed to watch Bridgerton.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Thrifting Saturday

H wanted out at 5:30 then to garage, it was -4 out. I dozed after a bit but awake early for a gloomy Saturday. I made a chai tea after feeding H to start my day and did some marketing quick. It has been almost a month since I started my Body Smart program WTH! I have achieved my weight goal and the workouts are getting a bit easier and the knee seems to be getting stronger. Yay! Britt asked if I wanted to go with her to the city today to thrift shop, yes please. Today however I have to do updated photos for the coach and fit my workout in so I got the photos taken and the workout underway. 

B arrived as I was finishing up so she soaked horse feed while I did my cool down and got dressed. We brought the dogs in and were on our way after 11. I did however forget to let the cats out, oops. We stopped at Greenhawk first to see if the brush she ordered had another she liked better but no so it was quick in and out. Then our thrifting adventures began. We checked out 5 shops and scored lots of treasures.

Time to pick up Cooper raw food before they closed at 3 and while heading east we stopped to get more flax and tasties at bulk barn with the last stop at Marshalls for some new duds! Whew time to put away the credit card and head further east. Looping thru town we unloaded all her goodies, grabbed Opa for supper and then back to the ranch before 5. We drove right to the shop to let cats out but Jarrod had done so when he dropped off the bison heads in the afternoon. The dogs were excited to see us of course and H had to fed before I finished my chicken wrap.

After she ate and relaxed a bit B went to feed the horses and lunge Roo, I fed the cats, brought in the bison skulls and snapped pics for S then got busy vacuuming the house. She and Coop headed for home around 7 as I started washing my floors. Kaylin messaged she ordered a new vehicle today, how exciting for her! I had a facetime call with Sheldon after testing the hot tub water again for his advice before adding more chlorine. Back outside I headed to put in chemicals, put cats away and haul the stools I sourced to the shop. Some poop was scooped and such before coming in to put on my suit and enjoy a soak in the hot tub with a smoothie for my late lunch B and I skipped. Bridgerton rounded out my Saturday evening after a shower.