Sunday, March 27, 2022

Window washer

It was -3 again when I let H out at 6:20 for the second time in the night. After putting her in the kennel I fell back asleep, yay. I had time for some brain games waking after 8 then fed her outside some yummy deer from Gooch then let the cats out with soft food. The sun was warming the day. I started with a tea and a small raisin bran bowl doing marketing after putting some soup bones on to cook. I amped it up with an iced coffee as I applied the peacock decals to the tea pot. 

It is looking like all is moving ahead for Dad's move to Strathmore. I had a few phone calls with Mom to help sort lists and furniture to bring etc. During the last call with mom I made a spinach salad for my late lunch. Computer work followed, B and C arrived to spend the day with horses. First up B trimmed KD as I washed all the windows outside around the house I could reach. Of course the ones we see so dirty all the time are the high up west windows but I could not find the extension pole nor wanted to get a ladder. The day is beautiful at 14+ out.

this odd growth has being growing on the shubert so I cut it off and tossed in trash

I tested the spa to find the chlorine low again so after chatting with water man S I added more and let it bubble. The bees are swarming, I scooped out about 50 but they keep coming. I then went in to prep veggies and such for the soup. B had moved on to lunging Roo after feeding and wanted a leg up. This was first ride on the year so asked for me to stay as she rode bareback in the round pen. She trimmed her up after riding and I was back to feeding H and soup making. 

I tested the tub and found the chlorine levels good but 50 more drown bees. I had S contact the winery to tell their bee people that they were losing lots and he read online it would help for them to provide a water source near the beehives. Hope they do so.

just watch these silly bees

B moved the horses across the yard for water now the paddock gates are free from the big snow bank then she came in at 6 for our soup supper. She and Cooper dined and dashed once done. I went to let Harley in finding her muddy so decided to get my steps in and take her for a walk, put the cats away with food once back then brush her off. She then laid down in the garage as I came in to do my kombucha. Today I tried an experiment with jam as the fruit flavoring. Lets see what happens. After writing the blog I headed out for a soak in the hot tub; first time having to put up with the feedlot smell but soon the breeze carried it away. Back inside it was shower, bit of computer work then into bed to watch Bridgerton.

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