Monday, March 28, 2022

High of 0 day

The day was ugly and super grey almost misty but not and cold (0) when I woke for the day after 7. Of course I woke at 2, 4 and 6 as well with H going out at 4:30 then to garage. It was chilly in the house so coffee was in order after H had her breakfast. I bundled up to go let the cats out and feed as the wind was biting. While I was out it was a loop to scoop with the poop bucket then the wheelbarrow to get the last of the horse piles. I set up a water area for the bees having a brain wave in bed this am. I hope it works.

I set in garden first then moved to the globe pedestal but H still thinks it is a water dish for her :)

I then went to check the willow tree that looked to be budding out from the hot tub and sure enough it was covered in pussy willows. I grabbed my pruners and pruned branches needing it and made a bouquet. This tree really sheds dead branches like crazy but easily. Inside I put them in a vase and did some marketing then had a bowl of soup for lunch.

I ran to town after 1 stopping at Amanda's to borrow her rug cleaner and pick up Dad's photo frame I made him that needs another repair and a short visit. A stop at the dental clinic was next then to pickup an end table and Cooper in the NE area. Sadie needed a good wash now the roads are dried up and yikes prices went up there too. The last stop was to grab a chai tea and head back to the ranch.

the tea pot had gold added

Time to work on marketing with my tea and writing a tutorial for the blue dresser. The ugly day outside with the blowing wind made it a great day to get this done. That and I have to have another post for my contract before the end of March and it is almost here. I took a break to cook a healthy supper; homemade meat sauce and spaghetti. I ate after feeding the dogs, B arrived at her usual time picking up an antique rocking chair that was at the same place I got the end table from after the lady never showed.

She ate a plate full then battled the winds to feed horses. I took the cats food and put them in and think today may be the first day since getting the hot tub that I might not go in the winds. B headed home after feeding and I finished the dresser tutorial then posted in all the usual sites and emailed the paint company. S encouraged me to go in the hot tub claiming perfect weather so I donned my suit and headed out. It was now snowing!! And once in I had to agree it was a perfect night to tub with light snow falling and 104 temps in the tub. I wasn't even freezing when I got out which was good as my housecoat was covered in soft snow. A quick shower off and into the warm cozy covers to watch more Bridgerton with a yogurt fruit bowl.

snow cam :)

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