Tuesday, February 8, 2022

B has 4 wisdom teeth removed

I did not sleep last night after awaking at 12:44 am. Eventually after unsuccessful podcasts, streaming shows I watched the sunrise then jumped in the shower. I loaded the horse blanket and Costco to return in the car and made an iced coffee. I put soup bones in the slow cooker for with B or H. Today Britt has all 4 wisdom teeth out and I am her ride. She and Cooper were out at 9:30 letting the cats out on her way in. She and I left not long after leaving Sheldon to make his coffee and get a couple chores done running trash and car part that did not work to town then back with the truck to drop at Ford dealer.

I dropped B off before 10:30, her surgery is at 11 then dropped the horse blanket and off to Costco where I could not find my card. I had to get a temporary card make the returns, use the facilities then back to pickup B. She held her emotions till the car then the general anesthetic gave way to sadness and then anger, lol - for $3000 she thought 2 ice packs were in order :)

video is only to share a bit of humor over the expensive ice pack

such a sweet girl

We passed the gates to the ranch just before 1 heading to town to fill with fuel as on fumes and pick up her prescriptions. Sheldon apparently had just left to heading to the city to meet with a friend before going to airport for an earlier flight to the north. It took us almost an hour to get back to the ranch however B was bored once there. After an hour I drove her back to town to her house with Coop having soaked feed. Dave is flying to Edmonton from BC this afternoon and heading down to look after her.

Harley loves playing in the snow video

Back to the ranch I put the cats away for the nice with raw meat which J now loves. It was refilled and the horse feed made. The wind blew all day and even at +6 now it is brisk as I fed them. There was a beauty sky that started and ended the day. The soup had bones and meat removed and the broth saved for whichever use I do. No supper tonight as I continue my fast. After checking in on B I crawled into bed and watched some McLeod's.

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