Monday, February 7, 2022

Dad visit

There were a few early walks with Harley who doesn't seem to find city life relaxing, plus there are allot of rabbits. Coffee and a delicious brunch were enjoyed with Candace joining us again.

lunch condiments on a handy lazy susan

I surprised Dad with a visit when Sheldon dropped me off after 12 and ran to get the bison that was cut so far. It was so good to see he was feeling well after testing positive on Friday with covid. He and I had a great visit. The first thing I did was get his photo board back on the wall with his help and all his cards and such back up on the walls. Then the nurse let us sneak out into the back yard to get fresh air. Crazily we witnessed a teacher crazy yelling at a young boy. We enjoyed the sunshine and watched as it started to darken then the wind picked up blowing us back inside. We continued our visit here and chatted about his upcoming birthday. 

Sheldon and Harley picked me up by 2 and we made our way home in now tropical hurricane winds. A stop at Tims to reorganize a tarp in the back which was again rearranged not long after. It was crazy near brown out times with dust, bucking this wind required a stop in Brooks for fuel.

We made it home to lighter winds by 4:30 then got busy rearranging freezer spaces and Harley's food to accommodate 3/4 of a bison to keep till the w/e. Folks started picking up bison for the rest of the evening. I made a pot of chili for supper with Britt joining us for a bowl. She was off for home after eating and feeding horses, tomorrow is her big dental surgery. Most people just picked up and left but a father/son stopped for a drink and visit as did the last fellow, a family friend on the Kuhn side.

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