Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Hair chopped & Kaylin is off to LA

I was having a good sleep till I woke just after 4 am and could not fall back asleep. Even Harley came in to check then back to bed. She did however want out about 7:30 just as I did get dopey. Kaylin text at 8:45 that they sailed thru security and were waiting their plane to LA, safe and fun trip you two! I made an iced coffee, started remaining laundry and did some online research while Bruce the robot got vacuuming.

I was just calling the Ford shuttle when Dave's truck and horse trailer rolled in. Poor B's face is swollen right up like a chipmunk. Cooper and Harley were off on a great galivant, B and D went to visit the horses then a visit with me before he was off to drop off mats back at century downs. He will be moving back there all week from Edmonton with races started Feb 26th. I forcefully loaded up Harley (she is not a fan of B's car) then B dropped us at the Ford dealer to get the truck.

Next up was Amanda's where H played in the back yard with Clover while she cut my hair off. It feels very light again. We leashed up the dogs and the 2 littles, AJ and I were off for a nice walk in the 14 degree sunshine.

my new do

Back at their house I loaded H and we made our way home swinging by to pick up my paint parcel. Back at the ranch I mixed the horse food and got them fed. H was fed at 4:30 and after my 48 hours of fasting with only 2 iced coffees and 2 iced teas I am starting to get a bit peckish. I had a small bowl of chili at 6 but it was not tasty so fed to Harley.  Kaylin let me know they arrived safely and enjoying a beverage in the sunshine.

Britt, Dave and Cooper stopped out with a DQ sundae for a visit. Thanks Dave! Way better then chili.

Harley was happy to be on cup clean up

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