Sunday, October 31, 2021

Happy Halloween

After our first cup of coffee Sheldon had a facetime visit with Blair to catch up and a cameo for Helen and I. Grace gets married this summer so we may make a UK trip, time will tell. There was marketing and trailer research underway and upon finding a 5th wheel hitch in Okotoks for a pretty good deal we loaded Harley and were on our way after 11:30.

We arrived in Okotoks and enjoyed a lunch out at a social house. It was very yummy. Next stop was to pick up this hitch. The kind fellow even helped install it and it fit like a glove. 

We also had contacted TJ and Mary to see if they were home for a visit seeing we were in town. I took H for a walk before going in but after a beer S went and brought her in. They have 2 dogs and 2 cats in the house and did not mind her in at all. Their daughter stopped by with her cat Toothless who was dressed as a gangster. He was very unsure of Harley but soon warmed up. Their boy gave her 2 chew treats which she loved and thinks this is the best house to visit ever I think.

On our way home I ran into a store to buy a couple cases of pop in case we get and trick or treaters. We were back to the ranch before 5 where Britt had been doctoring Biebs who now once out in the big pens cut his legs up, no idea how. Shaina was home arriving just a few minutes earlier with Chinese food for supper (her night to cook). We all enjoyed the treat, THANKS Shaina then she was off to nap on couch then her bed while B and Coop headed home. Kaylin sent pictures of the dogs dressed up ready for kids to come. AWE... such a cute avocado and scorpion.

So I rustled thru the dress up box and found something for H to become a flower.

awe, right :0)

S relaxed in big brown until part way thru the news seeing the temperature that was a high of +3 was now 0 and he is changing Shaina's oil. He went to do that while I made pomegranate kombucha. Back inside time for a hot soak in  the tub then relaxing in bed. I watched some Canadian Baker and then read my dog book while he watched baseball.

Another amazing sunset

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Biebs joins the herd

Lazy start to the -4 day, H did not want out til 7:45 then into her kennel seeing the snow was so sticky. Not much more came down overnight. Time for coffee and a few games of cookie jam for me and internet cruising for S. Once motivated he was off to swap Kaylin's tires (Shaina had brought her vehicle home) while I got to vacuuming and laundry after my shower. Shaina worked on the island in the sunshine but brisk 0 out.

Britt was out late morning to do horse stuff and have her tires swapped and oil changed. S says she is a very good helper making the jobs faster. I chatted with Mom, had a phone consult for a refinish piece I declined then I called Dad to check in.

ready to meet the whole herd and below 3 videos Britt took while introducing them

Everyone had leftover lunch with S hitting big brown. Britt had me help her integrate the horses and try and get them out in the big field but after lots of action they stayed in the winter/paddock areas with everyone sweated up. It was now plus 5 out. Sheldon took a run to work on baiting his trap.

Back inside S helped me make the bed, Britt headed home but was back to have him go with her to hear some sounds which turned out to be her tires then he was back to couch watching football. Shaina was off at 3:30 for the city but was back to pick up the makeup box she forgot after I called her. All the girls are off to Halloween parties tonight.

Tacos were my supper of choice to make as both our favorites. Harley was bathed in the garage and dried in her kennel waiting for her supper that I am moving to 6 pm (soon to be 5 pm after time change). She was stoked to eat after we finished our tacos yet another favorite most delicious meal says S! :)

He then took some offal to the cats to put away for the night while still light after 6 while I cleaned up the kitchen. S was back to his comfy couch while I wrote a Hometalk post for the pink cabinet. Then it was a post for the grey headboard too. S moved to the TV room f or the Flames game while I did one for the navy valet that is still not sold. Britt dropped Cooper off at 9:30 so I moved to bed to watch some Netflix and read my book. Once the Flames won S was off to sleep. Britt was back to pick up Coop at 1:30.

guess who B is?

Friday, October 29, 2021

Family game night

Harley has swapped to a 4:30 am bathroom break for about the last week now then off to the garage. This works ok seeing I am pushing her breakfast till 9 now with the upcoming time change. I was working on a trailer search when S came into the office and spotted a coyote. He grabbed his gun and I cracked the door quietly. He aimed, fired and in 1 shot the possible cat snatcher was gone. 

not sure a housecoat and slippers are proper PPE but it worked

It took awhile to get dressed and motivated to head out but when he did the drizzle started that turned to snow but melted mostly on contact. He did retrieve it, bagged it and added raid to the bag to de-flea the hide. He also checked his fox trap and found it tripped and the bait gone which he is chalking up to magpies.

I continued my search with a couple found but still nothing really must see. There is a new 2018 eagle but it is is Coaldale a 2 hour drive one way. For lunch I made us a healthy salad and S had more of the super delicious ham soup (his words).

I put a roast in the oven for supper; perfect on a cold plus 3 high day. Accounting filled my afternoon while S went and skinned his coyote then was in for his nap. The sleet let up and occasionally returned thru the rest of the day. I also wrote a tutorial for the pink cabinet.

Veggies were prepped to roast in the oven. Shaina was back from her sister sister sleepovers with some groceries, Britt followed close behind. She wanted to feed horses in the remaining light so was off to do that while we started dishing up. Dave was along not long after and they did Beibs foot in the dark with cell light then they were in to eat.

The evening was enjoyed playing cards as snow came down wrapping up at midnight. Townies were off after tossing horses hay and putting Beibs blanket on as it was below 0 now. S and S had a bowl of soup before retiring for the night. I read my dog book till 1:30 ish.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Another road trip to see a trailer

I kicked the coffee on as I went to feed H then it was time to decide on this trailer deal. The fellow is a bit off putting in his demeanor and after getting some more details we decided against buying it which did not go over well with him. Oh well, and the #1 choice in Airdrie has a conditional offer but again more then we were going to offer so time to get back to looking for the perfect one. This was my chore along with marketing while S got busy doing bison feed subsidy legwork. I put the ham bones on to simmer all day for soup. I wrote a tutorial for one of the custom dressers; the chest then did all the marketing steps too.

Mom K celebrates her cake day today! cheers XOXO

After lunch he hit big brown to relax as the sun finally came out and hit 11. I continued with computer marketing and work. A local trailer at a dealer was claimed to be immaculate so we loaded up H and headed over to see it before 3. We toured it and all was really good until I opened the shower doors and saw mouse poop on the shower floor. Outside I checked the storage areas where more mouse poop and damage was visible as well as a flyer advertising the trailer for $3K less then the lowest offer they gave, no deal guys.

We headed home but took a turn south to take H for a walk at the river. We ventured down gravel roads we had never taken to find a great vista of the river but the wind was crazy. 

We drove more deciding to head down to Johnson island but when turning down the road saw Grady just unloading his truck. We stopped to say hi and of course was invited in for a cold beer. Harley was so nervous yet curious in the house of many deer mounts but Grady did have a rawhide treat that made it OK.

Back at the ranch by 6 I found Britt had already been there to feed and doctor Beibs taking some time off work. I finished up the soup which S rated as super delicious. We also finished up the ribs and apple crisp too. H was off to continue the Flames game on the big screen after eating as I caught up the blog. Then I was off to read my book in bed.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Details details

Harley wanted out a couple times after midnight then 1:30 when I put her in the garage. At 7:30 I heard her scratch and thought it odd she was up so early but when I checked garage she was not there but rather the front door which was locked. WTH?? I swear I put her in the garage how did she get out there? I was laying in bed when I remembered Britt asked to drop Cooper off, sure enough she was out in the dark changing Biebs poultice pad. I chatted with her before she was off to work and left dogs in garage till I fed and let out in half hour.

no photos today so resharing this beauty sunrise

Coffee motivator was needed today for sure. S let kitties out tossed hay and worked on laptop. Trailer research and marketing for me along with plant care. My transplanted pines have not done well ;( The wind picked up like crazy but the sun came out with it hitting 13. After lunch S braved the wind to run the fireplace chimney flue brush down the stack then back into big brown for a nap.

Trailer research was most of the day looking up brands and prices. I even talked to a dealer in Billings MT but no real deals there. We eventually got ahold of a guy selling a 2021 Cougar like the one we looked at yesterday but the white model. This consumed lots of time as the guy is living in it and just posted it for sale LOL We also need a hitch for the truck that would need to be found in next day or 2, so many things all at once it seems.

I prepped veggies to roast and S got the steak ready. We were cooking when B popped out to do her horse things and feed Cooper before they were off for home. The early dark is making for longer nights but thankfully AB voted to not keep the time zone as current and we will be falling back soon. S and I soaked in the tub before he hit the bed to watch sports and I did marketing and caught up blog. The wind continued to howl into the night. I started to read my library book Forever Dog while S fell deep asleep.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Trailer search

After a usual start it was a quick shower, throw ribs in the slow cooker, load up Harley and we were off to Airdrie at 10:30. Before heading that way we did swing thru Tim's for a beverage and muffin. I picked up a book from the library and we were headed west. Sheldon so kindly shared with me have a cream cheese stuffed muffin. HA he was so generous. The salted caramel chills were far to sweet in my opinion but S liked them.

Our first stop was to see a 5th wheel found online and it was a beauty. To compare we checked out Western RV (where we bought our 2 last new ones) and looked a loads of designs. By the end of a couple hours we had 3 in the running but to be sure we checked out 3 more places after grabbing a burger/chicken strips en route. 

2020 Coachmen RV Chaparral 336TSIK

2020 Keystone RV Cougar Half-Ton 30RLS

2020 Forest River RV Rockwood Ultra Lite 2881S

Next two dealers were duds and the 3rd we took Harley in with us. She enjoyed the peoples attention and pets allot. It was nice to see all of them allowed dogs.

Costco was up next before making our way home after 5. S carried in items while I scrubbed up and cooked potatoes to go with the ribs. We ate catching the news. Britt arrived just before Sheldon was off to the meeting after 6:30 so I got busy catching up the blog and marketing. She was off after her horse care duties to spend the night with Shaina who headed in today to go to the gym and work from her place and spend the night. I just shut off the lights at 10:30 when S arrived home after another meeting/bar evening.

2016 Forest River RV XLR Nitro 305VL5

now this toy hauler I would like, enclosed ATV parking which also can be used as a huge deck with a screened patio door to inside, check out my video

Monday, October 25, 2021

Dressers head home

Groundhog morning with dog out/fed/coffee in bed. S went and let kitties out and tossed hay while I got the blog caught up. Ugly wind rolled in making for an yucky overcast day. Shaina was up to get coffee and porridge around 10 then back down to work. S searched for trailers while I kept on with the blog updates and photos. I made berry flavored kombucha during the noon news.

After lunch S went out to grade the road seeing it was still a bit damp. I wrote a Hometalk post for the milk glass vase. He stopped in after grading for a snack and helped me move the dressers out for pickup then was out to try and pull a couple snapped off posts before freeze up. I was back to computer including accounting and house chores. The dressers were prepped to go. 

videos of the dressers

The buyers arrived after 4, Sheldon popped over to help load them and visit before they were off at 5. He went and finished the last of the post repairs while I cooked up a yummy butter turkey supper. Shaina joined us to eat with enough left for Britt when she is done her horse stuff later. I cleaned up the kitchen while S had his dessert and went to put ranger and kitties away. Britt was feeding horses and doctoring Biebs foot before coming in to eat. She was off for home after eating while S relaxed on the couch. After computer work done we watched a couple good Explained episodes; Country Music and The End of Oil. Then we watched a couple Amazing Vacation Rentals.

Sheldon submitted this picture from a while back