Sunday, October 31, 2021

Happy Halloween

After our first cup of coffee Sheldon had a facetime visit with Blair to catch up and a cameo for Helen and I. Grace gets married this summer so we may make a UK trip, time will tell. There was marketing and trailer research underway and upon finding a 5th wheel hitch in Okotoks for a pretty good deal we loaded Harley and were on our way after 11:30.

We arrived in Okotoks and enjoyed a lunch out at a social house. It was very yummy. Next stop was to pick up this hitch. The kind fellow even helped install it and it fit like a glove. 

We also had contacted TJ and Mary to see if they were home for a visit seeing we were in town. I took H for a walk before going in but after a beer S went and brought her in. They have 2 dogs and 2 cats in the house and did not mind her in at all. Their daughter stopped by with her cat Toothless who was dressed as a gangster. He was very unsure of Harley but soon warmed up. Their boy gave her 2 chew treats which she loved and thinks this is the best house to visit ever I think.

On our way home I ran into a store to buy a couple cases of pop in case we get and trick or treaters. We were back to the ranch before 5 where Britt had been doctoring Biebs who now once out in the big pens cut his legs up, no idea how. Shaina was home arriving just a few minutes earlier with Chinese food for supper (her night to cook). We all enjoyed the treat, THANKS Shaina then she was off to nap on couch then her bed while B and Coop headed home. Kaylin sent pictures of the dogs dressed up ready for kids to come. AWE... such a cute avocado and scorpion.

So I rustled thru the dress up box and found something for H to become a flower.

awe, right :0)

S relaxed in big brown until part way thru the news seeing the temperature that was a high of +3 was now 0 and he is changing Shaina's oil. He went to do that while I made pomegranate kombucha. Back inside time for a hot soak in  the tub then relaxing in bed. I watched some Canadian Baker and then read my dog book while he watched baseball.

Another amazing sunset

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