Thursday, October 28, 2021

Another road trip to see a trailer

I kicked the coffee on as I went to feed H then it was time to decide on this trailer deal. The fellow is a bit off putting in his demeanor and after getting some more details we decided against buying it which did not go over well with him. Oh well, and the #1 choice in Airdrie has a conditional offer but again more then we were going to offer so time to get back to looking for the perfect one. This was my chore along with marketing while S got busy doing bison feed subsidy legwork. I put the ham bones on to simmer all day for soup. I wrote a tutorial for one of the custom dressers; the chest then did all the marketing steps too.

Mom K celebrates her cake day today! cheers XOXO

After lunch he hit big brown to relax as the sun finally came out and hit 11. I continued with computer marketing and work. A local trailer at a dealer was claimed to be immaculate so we loaded up H and headed over to see it before 3. We toured it and all was really good until I opened the shower doors and saw mouse poop on the shower floor. Outside I checked the storage areas where more mouse poop and damage was visible as well as a flyer advertising the trailer for $3K less then the lowest offer they gave, no deal guys.

We headed home but took a turn south to take H for a walk at the river. We ventured down gravel roads we had never taken to find a great vista of the river but the wind was crazy. 

We drove more deciding to head down to Johnson island but when turning down the road saw Grady just unloading his truck. We stopped to say hi and of course was invited in for a cold beer. Harley was so nervous yet curious in the house of many deer mounts but Grady did have a rawhide treat that made it OK.

Back at the ranch by 6 I found Britt had already been there to feed and doctor Beibs taking some time off work. I finished up the soup which S rated as super delicious. We also finished up the ribs and apple crisp too. H was off to continue the Flames game on the big screen after eating as I caught up the blog. Then I was off to read my book in bed.

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