Thursday, May 13, 2021

Great day for a ride

 I am over anticipating the birds waking after 5, they did show up around 6 but at windows farther from me so I put ear plugs in and my arm across my head and slept till after 8. H was fed, S was making coffee when I came back in. Once it was made he took a cup to let out the kitties. I did some marketing as the toy box gal messaged wanting to pick up at 10. I got dressed and had S help me move it to the front door. They arrived after 10, loaded and on their way shortly after. As they were driving up a large semi with a flat deck and a rig tank rolled thru to the west well then sitting at east well then leaving, gee thanks for packing our crop down for us. This had S on the horn looking for answers.

I did the milk kefir early as it was ready then headed out to get the coffee table sanded seeing the rain may come with the overcast weather. It was briskly but I got the the top sanded down after an hour to look so much better. S took the skid steer to grade the approach and gate area then back in time for the noon news. I joined him for leftovers.

He then had a nap and I went and put the first coat of stain on the table top. Once up he ran to Matt’s to check out this project pump and repair items list. B and coop arrived to take Roo’s muzzle off but she had a headache so napped on the couch. Once she felt better she went to do horse chores filling salt/mineral tubs. The weather started to turn around and rain was no longer looking like an option ;(

I was working on writing tutorials when she asked me to join her for a ride. S just got back so I asked him too. We all caught our horses, tacked up and set off. A half ton was looping the wells as we left, sheesh. the weather turned amazing with the sun coming out and a sunny 18 degrees. It was a lovely ride around the winery then checking our fence line where we saw wire down along the north fence.

After untacking Bird and Pepper were hosed and fed food while switch was set free. I came in to make up my water kefir new batch and 2 more lemon ginger bottles. S was resting again on the couch not feeling well, nauseous. Just after 5 Shaina and Britt ran to town to work out and get horse feed. However they were back before 6 Shaina having forgot her gym key LOL I cooked up the taco meat and chopped veggies, Shaina made her homemade guacamole and we all enjoyed a few tacos.

B and Cooper then set off for home after putting Roo's mask on. She took today and tomorrow off for vacation days. After cleaning up Shaina, Sheldon, Harley and I went for a walk in the now breezy but sunny evening. I ended up stepping on a pokey piece that went thru my shoe but Shaina got most out then S the rest when back in the house. He and I put the kitties away before we came in. He then hit the couch for the last Flames game, Shaina to her computer and I a shower then catchup computer work. S did move water between lilac trees while watching hockey. Shaina took a late night walk after finishing up her work to get her daily steps in. She has designated this week to tracking steps and food. 

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