Friday, May 14, 2021


I used to enjoy when the robins returned and loved watching them flit around. However now that we have 2 of the world's dumbest robins I am no longer a fan. They started today just after 5 am and seeing I had the window open it was essential that I got up and scared them off. Of course once I wake I am not one to got back to sleep. Even with ear plugs and a pillow on my head sleep would not come. I scurried quietly out to let the kitties out at 5:55 am as the sun was rising in a gorgeous ball of orange.

I tried again to crawl into bed and even though the cats were out front the female robin moved to the barbecue deck door throwing herself at it over and over. I finally relented and went to the kitchen to eat a bowl of cereal and make a cappuccino as that is window central and I could chase her off. It also allowed the prince to go back to sleep till around 8 when he awoke to make his coffee.

By this time I had ate, let out & fed Harley, tried to clear coat the table only to find I was out of the clear product ; UGH! I contacted the company to see what is next best product choice. Once S had a few coffees and toast he headed out to pressure wash the windows and the bird poop barbecue. I added another coat of the dark stain then vacuumed the main area. The bedding plants needed watering so out in the sun I went to do that as S came in for some couch time and a break. I checked my coffee table to see some shiny areas from the water mark sanding :( I am so sad after 4 hours of work on the top.

Lunch and the news; I made chicken quesadillas serving the working girl in her office. We had just finished up when Kaylin and Lexi arrived followed closely behind by Britt and Cooper. We had tentatively planned ot go riding at 3 once Shaina was done work but when K messaged to see what was up and planned to come out we revamped a plan to walk at the river after 3. B took off to the city to pickup her dog and horse foods. Sheldon ran to town for parts also grabbing milk and some booze for a great 10,000 point offer. Kaylin and I visited over an ice tea. I dug out a baby carrier to see if it would work for little Lex but not quite.

Britt was back after 3 as planned but changed her mind wanting to bath Pepper and work with Roo. Shaina finished up just after 3 too so the 4 of us and Harley loaded up in the merc and headed to the river for a walk in the sunshine. The campground is now open and was 1/3 full so lots to look at for Miss Har.

We were back by 5 to find Britt working in the round pen with Roo. Shaina washed up fruit and we all gathered a cold drink and sat on the deck. B arrived to do cleanup as were headed in to cook supper. Emily joined us for supper then after 7 she, Shaina and Kaylin ran to town for a snow joe with Britt and Cooper heading home. S went out to finish his window pressure washing while I washed the floor, made my water kefir bottles and batch then did kitchen duties. The girls were back from town just before 8:30 as I was just catching up the blog. They made a fire, S joined them. I put the kitties away with some soft food them crawled into bed to watch staining videos to see how I can repair the table top ;( The girls were in at 11, Emily headed home, Kaylin retrieved Lexi from my bed with Sheldon coming in a bit later.

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