Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Robins are driving us crazy

OH MY GOSH.. the asshole robin was back at 5:15 am and banging on the picture window in the bedroom. I jumped up and shooed him off only to have him go around to my window.. I shut the blind and put a blue pillow in it. He then moved on to the big spare room window when Sheldon was snoring but this made him angry. I suggested letting the cats out which he did but as he went he slammed the door waking Harley. I went and let her out to follow him but he left her out and was back into bed snoring in short order. This left Harley scratching on the door to come in. I let her back in and in her kennel and was just drifting to sleep when the bird started hitting the office window alerting her and causing a ruckus. I sent her back out hoping she would chase the bird off along with the cats but nope. she wanted back in in short order. UGH. It was now before 7 so I just go up. I tried moving the cats to each of the other doors to watch a window but they were not sure what to do. I made a cappuccino and started on the blog. I believe we have never had this robin issue in 10 years thanks to Mitzy and Lola who kept the place secure.

A well checker drove thru after 7 which had Harley again on high alert and sent out then scratching to get back in ;( Shaina was up in all this to make a cap then back to her work. Sheldon managed to snore like a freight train once he felt cats were on duty :)

When S got up to make his coffee I gave him his early birthday and fathers day gift; a Fitbit. It is early as there was a good Mother's day sale and then you only have 30 days to decide to return LOL He claims he doesnt need one so may need the 30 days. We got it all set up which had some challenges technically with password trouble LOL. Shaina ran to town at 9:30 for errands and working out. I scrubbed up the last few bottles and got them in the antibacterial cycle of the dishwasher.

The sun was shining so time to head out and dig some dandelions in prep for the rain. I served 2 tubs to the horses. I gave H another turkey head while I dug. S graded the laneway then planned to mow the grass only to find the battery dead so hooked to the charger and in for the news. He scrambled eggs and added toast and beans for our dinner when I came in to join him. Shaina was back from town having picked up Cooper as well as another parcel delivered in town, thanks! She had some beans and was down to work.

I had S help me affix the toy box hinges; I fixed the one missing pin with a nail :) He helped me haul it in and I will snap pictures later. Time to keep dandelion picking serving up 2 more tubs. S had a after dinner nap when up he went to start the lawnmower to find it had a broke fuel pump. Luckily they had one in town along with the part for Britt's car he thinks he can fix thanks to the google. Harley's dog food was delivered before 2. After I loaded it in the freezers I came in and made a batch of tepache

ingenious me used a glass jar lid as my weight ;) This is the tepache recipe I used

The toy box was staged.

A bit more gardening then back in to catch up the blog. S ran to town stopping at Matt to look at an issue he had on the way to get parts at 3:30 and back an hour later. I had prepped veggies to roast for supper so buzzed the peels up to add to Harley's supper. I also did the milk kefir and added her share ready to serve later. He swapped out the part and took a loop around the yard stopping to prep supper. I did my water kefir remake and bottling; one fresh lemon/ginger and the other pomegranate ginger. Harley was super stoked to be fed.

Britt was out at 6 to do her things, loaded up Cooper with a supply of tin foil and off at 7 to cook her own supper with a friend. We ate the not so smashed burgers prepped in a cast iron skillet on the barbeque burner along with the roasted veggies and salad I had prepped to go along with it. Shaina was able to join us for supper then back to her video and program making evening.

Rest time for the prince then to bed early, I wrote a tutorial for the toy box taking a break around 9 when Shaina asked me to join her on a walk. We rousted sleepy Harley to join us then both of us back to work and H to sleep once back. 

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