Friday, October 9, 2020

Projects picked up, dropped off and almost complete

H and I were out for the sunrise. J was let out and the kitties set free in the shop. A bit of exercise and breakfast search in the grass then into the garage to check out the tea cart project. The edges were painted a coat of warm white. Time to get my cappuccinos made and do house chores while Harley had her kong treat.

I picked up mail on way home last night and my free Michelob t-shirt was delivered.

Laundry was started then back out to the garage to paint the entire cart another coat of warm white. Once dry then the whole thing was distressed. 

After my bowl of soup for lunch, J kept complaining so I put him back in the shop. He is still not a fan of the kitties and hissed and batted at them as they continued to try and win him over. What a shit he is. Not happy in there or outside or at the condo, just a real complainer. 

Still virtually impossible to get a photo of these two as the lighting in shop is terrible and they are always on the move.

A customer delivered her Nanna’s cabinet to have painted after 1. I opened the yard gate as horses napping right close then let the folks out once we got it unloaded and color nailed down. 

H had to inspect it of course :)

I was back at the tea cart when the next customer arrived to pick up her drum table. I noticed the horses running the fence line and checked with binoculars that the pasture gates were closed. It seems the dirt guy closed them after his loads this am and they were thirsty. I let them in the yard and they quickly trotted into the paddock while she came up the lane.

Once she got her table and had a quick visit (she is the great neighbor who brings me flowers) she was off. On to dark waxing the tea cart, I was putting a 3rd stain coat on top when Matt stopped to get the skid steer after 3. 

The cabinet was scrubbed clean and the chipped veneer edges filled. After 4 I came in for a beer break and left H sleeping on her cushion. She slept till almost 5:30 as I kept checking while doing housework. I took her out to search for her supper then back in to eat mine. I cooked salmon with a side of guacamole and chips, yum right?

trying this new filler product

I put on the wheels, screwed the knob on and put in the drawer and glass shelf, the tea cart is almost complete!

At 6:30 we decided to check out the dirt piles as per the boss so I put on H's learning collar and off we went. We let out J who joined us walking to the pit. H was nervous as the horses really wanted out so followed us along the fence both ways. It looks like 10 loads have been dumped in the pit and only needing about 100 more to fill it :). Back at the house H got some free time to rip around and sniff while I put J and the kittens away.

After 7 Cooper came bounding thru the dark (sadly as the days get shorter). B went out to feed Bird and I supervised the dog play and scooped poop while doing so. I hate dog poop in my yard. H and I came in around 7:30, B stopped to visit her quick then the townies were off. I tried to catch up on the blog (which I am now rewriting on Saturday as it never saved, grrr) while the tuckered puppy rested. I headed for bed at 8:30 to watch some videos with H staying in the office kennel again to tired to go out one more time. These early 7 am mornings for the last month (4 weeks exactly today) have made for some early to bed nights but of course I get sidetracked with videos till later then I should.

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