Thursday, October 8, 2020

Thelma & Louise road trip

We were up and out by 7:30 but missed the fabulous sunrise everyone was posting on Facebook as we were back in the garage doing the paint around the cart top edges. H was off leash while I let J out and now let the kittens free roam the shop. H had breakfast via her feeder ball while I painted the edges the 1st concealer coat then we came in to have my cappuccinos and do a bit of marketing. Back to the garage, H played in the garage bringing me her stuff while I painted the tea cart in a warm white then distressed the edges when dry. The top had another coat of stain applied.

I loaded up Miss Harley, some cheezies and we were out the gate just after 11:30. I went thru town swinging thru the Tim’s that gives puppy timbits and got a hot chai for the drive and 2 Timbits for my travel buddy. Then it was on the road. Driving the QE2 is like playing Mario Kart lol I managed to set the cruise for 116 KPH and hardly ever had to break or speed up, just move left and right ;) I even passed about 4 cops along the route with no phasing of the speed.

This nice speed and leaving early has us arrive early in Ponoka by 2 pm. Now to sit and wait (although I had to use the bathroom after the tea as did H in their gravel area) and after the scheduled 2:30 the vet and rescue owner came out, looked at her and said WOW she looks great, better then the photos lets not do anything seeing that eye has had so much poking and prodding. WHAT!!! I asked the gal outright saying I did not want to drive all that way, take the day off work and just have a quick check, She assured me they were leaning towards Sedating and draining the puffy left eye. I am glad it looks good but maybe ask for more photos and videos! They did remove the stitch in the right eyes weigh her (36.5 kg) and clean her ears as I was chatting to the rescue owner while waiting for her records. I checked out their toys then we were on our way.

Wanting to make the trip a bit more effective I looked thru their mission thrift store with only a wee teal glass dish then grabbing something to eat. It was after 3 and the DQ was the slowest line so I got out of it and went thru Tims again. Stopping at UFA to add some fuel was next before back on the road and heading south. Again we passed at least 3 more cops with stings set up along the way. As we were passing Irvine’s Tack I called to see if they had dog toys and allowed dogs in the store. The answer was Yes so made a stop there walking her around the property hoping for a bathroom break but it was too busy. Inside the huge store H did amazing with folks commenting on her presence. Before 5:30 we were back on the road and to the ranch 7 hours after leaving.

A couple more loads of dirt were delivered today. Time to feed miss H with a search, burn off energy and potty break, we put the kittens away along with J. Inside I heated up and ate the soup from my late lunch order. Britt and Cooper were here after 7 for a fun play date then they were off and we finished up then came inside. Tonight I put her to bed in the garage at 8, came in for a shower, changed my bedding and crawled in to relax and watch videos and some Netflix.

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