Friday, September 11, 2020

Another kritter joins the Klan - so many videos and pictures

I woke at 4:58 thinking I have to let the dog out, wait no dog ... yet ;) I tossed and turned and finally got up at 7. I went out and got the little girls and brought them in to hang out on the bed with me while I had a hot cappuccino and some Scrabble. They are absolutely adorable and have the funniest personalities. Who cannot resist a kitten?


need some kitty video cuteness?

after all the play it was time to nap

Britt was able to wrangle time off work to come along with us to the puppy meeting at 3 today. She used up some banked time and would be home for us to pick her up at 1. Sheldon was a slow start again today while I prepped some stuff in case we brought the puppy home and filled out the lengthy adoption form. I also took the kitties out to the barn to check it out quick while I took a measurement. S watered some trees before we ate some leftovers and set out around 12:30.

I had posted looking for some no longer needed kitty supplies and kindly had a couple ladies offer a scratching tree with house and a kitty litter pan. They were within a few blocks of each other so picked them up then Britt and Cooper at 1. She grabbed us a cold coke for the road as we had no time to stop at Tim's now and off we set for the 2 hour drive to Saving Grace Rescue in Alix.

When Harley first came out she was super chill and relaxed and seemed genuinely interested in all 3 of us. We asked if she is always this chill and the girl said no actually she is usually a spit fire. Once a ball was thrown she kicked it up a notch and showed her great climbing agility skills as well but also showed her chill side again.

Then it was Cooper's turn to come meet her. He was a bit nervous being in a shelter situation again with barking dogs and overwhelming smells but he put on a brave face. We took them for a walk together and Harley desperately wanted to play and could helicopter spin at the end of her leash in hopes of getting closer to him. Then it was time to chat it over, the director popped out to talk to us about her eye surgery and what may happen in the future. The preexisting eyes will be covered by them which was reassuring but it would require trips back there. After a lengthy chat it was a yes then on to more paper, payment, medicine, bag of food and her in put in a collar and leash and we loaded her up.

Cooper very nervous in the shelter pens but accepting of her interrogation

Britt starts out with some room :)

We needed fuel so headed thru Stettler where we picked up kitty litter & food as well as some tough toys and treats then hit the DQ drive thru. Beauty day at 26, we found a playground to unload the dogs for a pee break and eat. Within seconds of unloading her there was a spin and the collar popped off after clotheslining the still bewildered Cooper but she did not go far and was easily caught. We took shifts eating and walking and had them loaded up and on the road by 6.

Patiently waiting as we check stores out

Poor B had no room once Harley stretched out with her butt against Cooper laying down, dog lover hazard I guess. We dropped her and Coop at the condo then on route home stopped at yet one more kind kitten supplies benefactor; 2 igloo kitty litter boxes and 2 dish sets. Britt was ahead of us at the yard and once we got out and Cooper was in his safe zone and leash free he was psyched and wanted to play. I took them into the arena as the only contained space and they raced around so happy for a few minutes. Harley was the first to slow it down and move onto checking out the shop. Her poor little face, eyes and tongue were covered in sand. Watch the videos below to see all the fun they had in a few short minutes.

I took her to the garage after making Switch's herbs while B went to catch the horses at large in the big field. The weather was cool and blustery but she got them all back and fed Switch for me. We then washed Harley's face and flushed out her eyes, put in her drops and set up her "crate" area. The cats have figured how to climb the wire cage walls so they were moved into Cooper's legit crate as it has a roof.

B and Coop headed home and once everyone was settled in I came in too. S had loaded some of the items in but I decided all the cat supplies need to be washed tomorrow outside. Then I was back out walking her as she had not yet went #2 but still no luck. Back inside I watched dog training videos of course.

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