Saturday, September 12, 2020

Busy day settling in

Another early wake up but I managed to fall back asleep till 7 then I put on my housecoat and took Miss Harley out for a walk. This time she did her bathroom duties... a couple times. She spotted the horses and has a great interest in them which does make for a good photo op.

I had to video her and the horses reaction too

Back inside the garage we putzed around for a bit, eye meds in, scraped a couple areas on the coffee table I did not like where the laminated bubbling still showed then put her in the pen and I came in. S coffee went off at 8:30 so I took him a hot cup served in bed. He was up a bit after to chug a few more cups. 

so curious

I needed to catch up on some marketing and the blog then took Harley out again. Britt and Cooper arrived around 10:30 to catch Roo and prep for their 11 am lesson. Anna suggested they ride inside seeing it was so breezy when she found Britt warming up outside but over an hour riding in a non watered arena made for a sore throat. I waxed the table top and hauled in to stage.

I was cleaning out the crate and getting all the sand vacuumed up and such. J came in and was not impressed with the kitties but they held their own against him. Good thing they grew up in a house with 5 dogs and at least that many cats and 7 other kittens.

Little Luna AKA Loonie

And super curious Stella

After her lesson B caught Bird to feed. I headed out and mixed up Switch's and fed her. When I was letting her back in the paddock bossy KD gestured to her to move away which just so happened to have her step on my foot removing the skin off the toes and causing a few swear words. Good thing it was not flip flops but cowboy boots would have been a better choice then cloth runners. Dang, this made for a limper for the rest of the day.

Britt and I took Harley for a walk and some play time, B did eye meds. We found one of Diego's old leather spiked collars and guess what it says? Harley .. Davidson ;) Britt leather cleaned it and we will see if Sharon can fix the end that was chewed on.  then was off to her place to spray her weeds with spray S had made for her. 

look at Bird in the background, very interested

I took quad to the gate and let the horses out seeing B forgot on her way by

herd video roll call

Sheldon reattached the house to the scratch center to go in the new kitty stall

We headed out to start putting up the south rails. I tried taking Harley along on the long line and tying her to me but she had too many smells to check out. I even brought the bison bone for her but she wanted to carry it off. SO I took her back to the pen to leave her inside with it. 

The day started cooler, warmed up and then was getting cool when we finished up around 4. I took Harley out again while Sheldon tidied up. She has spied J a few times and really would like to chase him but I have managed to distract her back to walking. Then I cleaned yet another kitty litter box donated to us and put fresh litter in and set up a new system then kitties were released again. They go miles on those little legs. I messaged Britt to come early for supper and wrangle kitties.

Salmon supper, Lola loved salmon skin and seeing Harley is on a salmon food I was taking her the skin when I saw some potatoes missing off the step. I looked down to see the puppy pen flat and Miss Harley proudly holding a furniture leg in her teeth. She had found the box of them (I was going to give away) and hauled most out, she chewed up a Christmas bow and plastic yogurt lid. I took her for a walk then B held her while I backed out the car and we created a double size pen. I don't think this will work but maybe. B and Coop were then off for home as 7 now. 

Sheldon came and helped move out things that could like bags of bottles, the plastic recycling, some pots to the garden shed then he retreated to the TV room. I got her all settled in and was back inside to find the new fangled kitty litter was every where and stuck to the kitties after what looked like one hit the water dish. This kitty litter says it clumps.. well it does but in gel blobs to soft kitty hair. UGH.

This is super climbing kitty and why they could escape the puppy pen :)

I checked her a couple times, the first time I gave her an antler and found the rug we had put to one side was now balled up and the edging chewed off. They did say she cant have blankets LOL However I had brought her another dog bed case and she had it and D's blanket all made into a bed. I removed the rug and swept the yucky dry backing plastic that continues to come off. It is now only 8:30 but pitch dark and I am ready to sleep :) I think I will be worrying all night though if she has tipped this over and chewed up the garage .. wait don't jinx it right?

I watched more training videos with some great tips and ideas arising. I continued to go check on her peeking with a flashlight, all was ok. S was bombling around downstairs and made a loud noise at midnight which had me up like a flash. Nope she was still laying on her "bed".

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