Thursday, September 10, 2020

2 little kitties join the ranch mouse patrol crew

Cooper was dropped off for his day care day at 6:45. I put the dog blanket on the bed and he tried to lay quietly till I was awake. This darn cough needs to go. Coop and I got up but he really wanted to see his brother so he and I went out to let Jenkins out and the 2 were off in the sunshine.

My morning project was to transplant the ornamental grass from the island to the garden area. S had gone out to finish emptying the sprayer tanks so did not assist claiming he did not see me raking rocks, digging and planting. But I got it done in short order and it looks great. Once I had them watered in I was back inside to change into shorts. It is turning into a very hot day out there and hit 27 later in the day.

S hooked up the dump trailer and was off to town after 3 to pick up rails to finish the south fence. He grabbed some baileys, cough drops and supper while in town. I painted the coffee table 2 colors of blue like the dresser I did awhile back. while the coats dried I came inside and cooked up the sourdough loaf. While it baked I grated up zucchini and made some chocolate brownies. Back at 5 we ate and caught the news.

After supper more paint was added to the coffee table. Britt arrived after 7 as Sheldon was hauling wood over to build a fire on this lovely evening. She and I loaded Cooper and Mr Jenkins in the merc and headed to Gleichen to pick out 2 little kitties to join the mouse patrol crew. B had her hands full cat wrangling them on the drive home while reading kitty names. Mr J is NOT a fan but Cooper loves them.

Hello kitties

great sunset on the drive home

Back at the ranch we set up a kitty pen and played with them for a bit before B was off for home with Cooper and Mr Jenkins tonight at 9. With all the kitty excitement we did not feed the 2 girls their herbs, first time since we started, sorry ladies, tomorrow. S hung out at his fire for awhile while I watched a couple Umbrella Academy episodes.  While I was watching Brittany tagged me in an animal rescue post for a cane corso and seeing I said that would be one I would give a home again we made an appointment to meet her tomorrow at 3 pm. What are the odds this all happened in the last few hours?

Cooper was so excited to actually smell the kitties

Miss Stella

These are Sheldon's photos from his campfire view

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