Friday, July 10, 2020

Round baling begins!

One coffee in bed again and it was on with the day. S took Lola for her walk and I got busy on the vanity in the garage adding grey to the edges. Kaylin and Devon and the dogs stopped at 10:30. Sheldon was just heading out with the rake after saying hi and taking his breakfast snacks I sent along. K had taken Lexi to the vet and was hoping to pick up her kennel but it was not stored here anywhere, seems MIA. They were then off to the city.

Lola's leg post op 6 weeks, nice

I got back to the vanity till lunch break and a bit of the news. S headed back out to rake and I back to the vanity.

Now for the hardware. I put out a poll and of course it was split on gold and silver. I went with silver.

S ran to town to take garbage to the dump and found this parcel at the gate. New door set yeah!! It will go on when we have a down day.

I finished the faux tin tile order and got the confirmed LOVE THEM from the buyer. Then it needed a box found and the shipping label printed. I will box it tomorrow after dries well over night

Both of us finished up around 4 so took Lola for a quick walk while S demonstrated the dry hay swaths and we hit the deck for a cold drink in the sunshine. Supper changed a few times to eventually hotdogs and pasta. I made extra pasta and whipped up a salad for tomorrow too.

After supper S went to try rolling a few bales and low and behold he was good to go. I tidied up and vacuumed the main floor, got the plants inside watered then started to haul in the vanity pieces. The mirror was cleaned and put together and brought in and the hardware gilded; adding some gold in the crevices . Britt and Cooper arrived after 7:30 to do their horse thing as I was watering the garden and pots as well as my 3 peony flowers of the season. 

3 peonies ;)

They were off for town after 8 when S finished his bales for the evening having made 35. He helped me carry the vanity body in then back out to putz around. The evening was rounded out with a shower and starting a new Netflix series Waco recommended by Ma & Pa K with a bowl of ice cream.

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