Thursday, July 9, 2020

Two trips to town in one day

Cooper was popped into his kennel before 7 again on a sunny day. One coffee in bed then we were up. S took the dogs for the morning walk to check the swaths as I replanted more flowers. Wanting only the swaths turned and not combined I suggested disabling one side. S checked it out and found an easy fix to the rake to do so. I had an online course from 10-11 which was nothing ground breaking but I could do other computer stuff while listening.

what color?

I unloaded the furniture picked up the other day with S helping with the dresser then he was back to the shop and I to paint the tiles a coat of brown. Dave S stopped for a visit at the shop for about an hour then S came in for a sandwich. He was then off to rake the swaths over rather then double the swath after our brain wave around 1:30.

I got back to painting the tin tiles and while doing so I had the cash register ding, another Etsy sale!! This time the latest jewelry box. As the tiles dried I boxed the jewelry box all up, printed the label and will drop off later today.

More work on the tin tiles to the point of needing the gal to confirm they are what she wants after sending lots of photos. These colors are hard to photograph though and she seems picky. S finished up the raking of the old pasture at 3. He loaded up Lola and I gathered my stuff and we were off to town. First stop was to drop off the Etsy parcel then pick up a kids table and chair set. This gal was also a Tupperware rep so exchanged 2 lids for me too, bonus.

Next we dropped off a stool I sold as is to a gal then it was off to the physio appointment. Lola had red light laser therapy done today as well. Back loaded in her favorite car we were off to the grocery store. I ran in to grab a few things while she and S waited in the car (a fellow really wanted to pet her but she was not interested) We were back to the ranch after 5, dogs went with a quick pee as I unloaded groceries then back to chatting with tile lady. S was putting a new lace in the baler belts so I gave him a hand and we had it done in no time.

Amanda text the kids were ready for Craig's birthday cake by 6, an hour before her estimated arrival time. We hustled to get to town with S changing and me getting dogs aligned and we were off stopping at Opa to grab supper and Walmart for hydraulic oil and made it at 7:02. Happy birthday Craig!!

Good cake and a visit and we even left with a purchase when C demonstrated a Stihl blower he no longer needed. I left with a huge bouquet of peonies!! We then stopped quick at Britt's to hang a new light she purchased in her stairway. Easy peasy and done. On route to the ranch we drove thru Tim's for a tea and Tim bits.

Back at the ranch Lola had her walk and meds and it was time to relax with the tea as S cruised the internet and I caught up marketing quick and multiple messages with the tile order gal. Lola managed to stay out quiet till 12:45 then I had to put her in the garage.

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