Monday, June 22, 2020

Summer is here!

I let Lexi out at 4 then Sheldon let her out at 7 then she and I got up after 9. I medicated and walked Lola letting the prince sleep in. After getting her on the deck for the day I made cappuccinos again and served prince's in bed to him. Today he flies north for a week rotation then has another 3 weeks off. I did long put off marketing and worked on the blog.

our morning greeter XOXO

Once he got up and running on a couple cappuccinos he started watering a few evergreens he had missed last round. Shaina had a later sleep in too now that she has filled her window with pillows to have a black out room. We decided to ride and enjoyed a nice quick under an hour ride taking Bird along to pony.

Hosing, releasing and tack putting away and I was on to making dinner for the 3 of us; turkey enchiladas. I had to start the A/C as it looks like it will be a warm day and the oven will be on. Shaina packed up her goodies and did some computer work while S finished his watering and truck unhooking etc. The late lunch was delicious. Both Sheldon and Shaina with Lexi headed off at 2:30. I got back to trying to catch up the blog. S returned 15 minutes later having forgotten his charge cord.

It was such a nice day, no wind and lots of sun. Lola and I took a slow walk down the road and back then back to the deck where I put a wee ice pack on her leg. I scrubbed up my only custom called piece this month: a mens valet. Horse and human laundry was done as well. I wrote a Hometalk post for the mens valet and shared on a few spots. It seems I have been slacking on my biz end for last 3 weeks and need to catch up.

Time to sweep and organize in the garage. Sorting and rearranging and trying to figure what is next. The laundry was done and put away. The towels taken to the tack room had me seeing tons of moths. I moved the skid steer out and went to get truck to put in shop as per the bosses orders and grabbed my hand vac too. If I sucked up 5 5 more would come out from around the window frame where they were flattened. In the end I bet I vacuumed 50 plus. However my plant to drop open the bottom outside and step on them did not go quite as planned and a few made the escape ;)

not a fan of the orange interior it was painted charcoal and the exterior the green shown above

Time to paint the custom called mens valet. I did this while watching the first part of the 6oclock news. I totally forgot Lola's cartrophen shot on Saturday so gave her that. I was scrubbing the lunch dishes and cutting the flower bouquet when Britt and Cooper arrived after 7. She fed Bird and put KD's bug sheet on. I went and picked a few armfuls of dandelions for the girls too from the island that is overgrown yet again with them. They are big and juicy though. She loaded Coop up and was off to town to eat and relax as not feeling great in just over half hour. Sheldon was not great for last few days either ;(

After lightly sanding the valet's first coat and catching up the blog I jumped in the tub to soak while watching the semi final episode of the The Big Flower Fight. Once out I changed sheets on our bed and got busy vacuuming and dusting to get it all tidy. The rest of the laundry sorted and main floor starting vacuumed. Lola got her meds late at 9:30 (not as late as last night LOL) then a walk and put in garage at 10. I put polysporin on her 4 staples and a quick brush and said good night. Time to crawl into the fresh bedding and finish off The Big Flower Fight.

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