Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Another valet complete

#1 get Lola medicated, walked and set up on the deck, #2 make a cappuccino, #3 get laundry going and #4 get some marketing underway. This was followed by #5 painting a second coat on the valet with my second cappuccino. Once dry it was distressed again.

While catching the noon news I folded the loads of laundry finished. Britt and Cooper came out around 12:30 to sand down her stair railing. Once all sanded and wiped I went out and stained it for her using a new gel stain and top coat product then we left to dry.

The valet was then dark waxed and hardware put back on and it is complete.

She was then off to do horses stuff and I took Lola for her 2 pm walk, with Cooper of course racing along too. Hand watering my garden and front flower beds was next and dog poop pick up (thanks
Lexi). B and Cooper left at 3. I came in and worked on tutorials and blog posts. The day was supposed to be hot but so far it has been very underwhelming as a chinook rolled in which changed it up. It was only 21 but did heat up to 26 once the chinook arch moved on closer to supper. In my search for Daisy pictures I found these two cuties.

I cooked up the last Chef's Plate meal : spicy thai pork noodles. The cabbage was no good and I opted out of the red pepper but it was still tasty. Time to finish the vacuuming and wash all the floors with my spin mop. Bathrooms were cleaned too. I took Lola for her evening walk and was hustled home due to mosquitoes!! GEEZ with the rain comes them, crappy trade off. I put her inside with her fan then hit the shower. Evening Netflix was starting season 4 of 13 Reasons Why watching 3 episodes.

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