Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Quick town run

I was up, dressed and had Lola out for her morning walk at 8:30. Seeing I had Sharon stopping for a marketing meeting I got things done ASAP. The big bison bone I gave Lola last night was packed out this am and once she was back on the deck she decided it was worthy of eating. Sharon arrived at 9:30 for a couple cappuccinos before she had to make her 11 am hair appointment in town.

I went out and sanded Britt's rail and black waxed it. It looks great, now to get this lengthy beast back to town and on her wall. Photo sorting took time again, seems I have allot to keep sorted, filed and up to date. I posted the zinc tray tutorial.

black wax going on bottom half

Lola and I went for a quick walk around 2 then back to the deck.

I almost pulled our dwarf lilac but the branches were soft and FINALLY there is some growth starting.. at the end of June

I ran to town after lunch to pick up a paint parcel, drop off the cone we borrowed, grab some groceries and wash the car (seems they have increased costs!) . On the way out I noticed coyotes had been digging in the graves so had to undertake the job of taking the skid steer down, getting dirt and adding to the graves. This was the hardest job but had to be done. It seems a neighbor could help but not till later tonight and this did not sit well with me. I got the chore done as quickly as I could and back to the house before 4 as the clouds darkened over.

This weather hung around for about an hour then the sun was back out with zero rain dropped here. But it will change again later. I worked on computer chores then caught the news eating left over noodles. Time to get to the garage and work on new projects. I putted a cap off a chair leg only to find a screw on each that had to be hand turned out with pliers.. ugh.

The round IKEA coffee table I tried to disassemble with no luck and found a missing piece. I was working on this when Britt and Cooper popped out after 7. The weather had gotten cool and windy as she did her horse chores. I walked Lola and Cooper as rain started to come down so into the garage. B came in and we removed her 4 staples then she and Cooper were off for home by 8. This rain blew over and it got nice again. Lola wanted another walk so took her out at 9, gave a pill once back and left her on the deck till 11:30 after I gave her a trial stay outside while I watched a couple more 13 Reasons. Not tonight Lola :)

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