Monday, May 4, 2020

Wallpaper day

The day was dreary and yuck. Time to chug a couple caps then put a 3rd coat on the buffet. It is driving me crazy so time to do something different. The ugly windy spitting occasional rain made for the perfect day to head down and wall paper. I started prepping around 11. The rolls are marked and numbered but need cutting apart. The paste made a gallon which was insane and no where near what I used. Once everything was sourced and ready it was time to start.


The first panel started at noon and of course has the cut out needed. There video suggested putting all up and cutting after but I prefer to cut as close to exact. The first panel also had to be level too so it took the longest.

There was a learning curve to the paste too. I have always used prepasted. I also changed up tools they suggested for ones I found worked better like a facecloth vs a big sponge and my hands vs the wallpaper brush.

The last panel was a bugger too seeing it was only 6+" wide and I ended up trimming it 4 times before success. It was finished at 3:30. Not bad but let me say aching right should, just like painting walls. I got everything cleaned up and left to dry.

I cleaned the glider rocker up and took a few photos. I was going to sell but have maybe changed my mind. I finished vacuuming the girls rooms and then the main floor upstairs. I cooked up some fish and rice for supper then ventured out to put another coat of the buffet after a light sanding. I am not happy with this top so spent some time chatting up a fellow painter. This coat I added mineral spirits and it looks better but still not 100%. And of course that was the last of it.

Then it was on to tutorial writing which I was still doing when Sheldon pulled in just before 11. He jumped in the shower we caught up quick and then he was off to sleep. I played some Scrabble and watched a few videos before I shut out lights.

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