Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Cinco De Mayo

Exciting to see the sun shining upon waking. I did some marketing before making cappuccinos while Prince slept in. He did come out to join in on the caffeine. Some toast was added to the start of the day. S went to check the oil leak on the skid steer as I sanded & wiped down the buffet top with mineral spirit but no real change. I am leaving it now for a few days. I gave Bandit his pill and picked out handfuls of hair quickly and easily, I messaged B he needed a brushing again. It was not long around 11:30 and she rolled into the yard after finding a tire key. S helped her change the one tire then she was off to brush Bandit. He was then back to working on the hydraulic leak.

look at the plucked hairs on ground after only 1 minute

I started working up around all the trees and in ground flower beds. Pepper was next in line for Britt getting a grooming and sheath cleaning then Bird was up. I came in and threw in some pizzas for lunch serving on the deck. Of course after eating prince needed a nap in big brown.

Britt and I went and buzzed a few mats of J then caught horses to ride. First up was actual conditioning of Bird and Switch. Prince was venturing out after his nap to bring the skid steer to the house and pressure wash all the inside areas. Next was a casual bareback ride with me on Daisy and B on Pepper leading KD. BY now it was 4:30 and B and Cooper were off to town. I did some more flower bed work up then came in to get supper on the go and have a beverage with S.

After supper he was back napping in big brown and I blogging. It is Tuesday after all ;) This also changed his mind about coming along on a horse chiro appointment that was to also include the taco grocery stop and the last day for my 2 for 1 DQ blizzard coupon. Dang the loss of a blizzard. He did help me load the 4 horses before 7 and I was off. I stopped along the road to pick up Britt in town arriving at our 7:30 appointment only 2 minutes late.

Not being a usual booked Monday we had and hour and a half spent on the 4 horses along with some stories. 3 out of 4 had pinched nerves, Pep was pretty good. Loaded back up at 9 I reversed the route dropping B near her condo and then home. I wrangled all 4 out and into the paddock and back inside to shower. S was relaxing in bed having just showered himself. He was asleep before 10 as I caught another Restaurant and Scrabble games.

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