Sunday, May 3, 2020

Roo goes to school and rain finally

There was a bit of sun when I awoke but it soon left. While drinking my cappuccino I wrote a bistro set tutorial (copied my one from last night mostly) for Hometalk.

Britt was out just before 10 bringing me a chai tea, thanks B. She ate her sausage muffin before heading out to give meds then catch miss Roo. Today she is going to school. B caught and brushed her all up ready to go and we had her loaded and off after 10:30 arriving at 11 exactly for her drop off time. Anna was surprised how big she was. Her new roommate is a quiet black gelding that is in store for a feisty day ahead. After a brief chat we were off leaving her at her new home for 2 months.

Back at the ranch, the clouds were getting darker and windier but we caught Pepper, Bird, Switch and KD and took them for a conditioning walk/trot. When we finished up at 1 the weather was even yuckier with more wind and less possibility of rain. B and Cooper headed home and I put a coat of poly on the buffet top.

Lola came back from their adventure with a bleeding leg ;(

I touched up the black chairs just because then staged the jewelry box and got it posted on Etsy. It and the shadow box were tagged and put down in the shop area awaiting a sale.

Moving on to Kaylin's room I rearranged, stored away and vacuumed the entire room to make room to start the wallpaper process.

Just a couple of K's Marilyn pics

and ready to go

While I had the vacuum and motivation going I rearranged and vacuumed TV room and main room too. The weather turned even worse around supper time blowing tons of winery dirt our way. There were a few sprinkles but hours of wind. I brought in that neat wood box I scored while back and tried to get the super glued stickers all off it while watching the news. It was a bugger, they had to be soaked with a damp cloth and scraped off but I eventually got it all. During this time I cooked one meat pie to find it was the spicy jalapeno one so got the last one out of the freezer and cooked it up.all moved

Back out to the garage to put a 2nd coat of poly on then a catch up on the blog. The rain finally started to come down before 10 when I headed to bed to watch a few more Restaurants on the Edge, some YouTube and Scrabble. It came down for a couple hours. One tower says half inch in Carseland the other say 2/10ths in Strathmore and seeing we are half way between I hope we got on the higher end. Fingers crossed.

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