Saturday, May 2, 2020

River Ride

Another beauty day ahead. I got busy marketing, updating blog, pushing out the plant cart and enjoying a few hot caps. Time to get busy; horses got their drugs

then on to dark waxing the shadow box,

jewelry box,

and buffet. I finished up at 12:30 in time to scarf down the last of the fried rice for lunch.

B arrived at 1 with Shaina and Jacob following her up the lane. We loaded tack and snacks and beverages (which ended up not being used) then the horses and on the road by 2. Down to the river in the 20 degree sunshine to unload and tack up and we were on the trails at 2:30. The river valley is not green yet so felt very fall like for dried leaves and trees. We came upon fishermen at the river and a ton of deer popping out all over causing for a few good spooks. Quote of the day "where Daisy goes, I go!" And that he did, good job Jacob.

Back at the ranch all horses were unloaded; Bird let go, B hosed Switch and released and Daisy tied up. Shaina roached KD's mane while I scooped all the poop out of the horse trailer. I held Daisy while B scrubbed her up good and within 3 feet of the gate when released she happily rolled. Jacob started to change Britt's oil and found she had the wrong filter. He had to run to town and get the right one.

Shaina bathed KD next, she enjoyed her spa day. S walked her to the pasture to avoid the dirt roll. Britt was trying to catch naughty Roo eventually catching her. The hosing was a whole other lesson. Bird was bathed next and fed. I came in to help Shaina get supper going. She cooked up hotdogs on the barbeque and had picked up a yummy salad to go with along with chips and pretzels.

before and after photos from Shaina

We all ate then B and J went to change her tires. They had some issues with an adapter but got 3 changed. Shaina relaxed and caught up on her multiple emails after her win. I staged the shadow box and wrote up an Etsy post. Around 7:30 when J was done tires, he and S were off to the city. B had to find Cooper and was off for home just a bit after them. I continued to write shop posts on my FB page.

A shower and a smoothie while I wrote a quick tutorial for the bistro set while my loads of laundry finished up. Then relax with the iPad time.

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