Tuesday, May 12, 2020

More crummy weather

Coffee and some scrabble then toast and on with our day. S sourced a place to possibly repair the dump trailer pump while I panned up my bread and left to rise. I threw in laundry and got busy writing a tutorial for the faux stone jewelry box. He ventured out to take photos for the repair fellow and I hauled out the one spool to south deck.

Around 11:30 he ran the merc to town to the tire store where B picked him up and gave a lift back to the ranch so she can check on her patients. I went on to write a tutorial on Hometalk for the wall mural. They arrived back with Vietnamese for lunch at noon. Yum, thanks. After eating S hit big brown for a couple hours and B went out to check horses then she picked poop in 2 of the paddocks!! Well done B!!!

They had also brought home the mail which included the returned silverware chest that arrived broken. I set out about gluing it back together and leaving to dry well. Then I was back to writing the blog post for the wallpaper. S ventured out to the shop after 2 as B was finishing up her poop picking. She headed to town then leaving Cooper who was on an adventure and will return to get him later.

I prepped the oven and bread and once hot got it baking. What a great smell on a cold ugly day. Once the wallpaper blog was finished and laundry all folded it was time to make supper: Sticky Hoisin pork tacos. My bread finished up and was set out to cool as well. Tacos were good and very filling. S kindly washed up the dishes and then to big brown to relax while I worked on more tutorials. The sun was finally out and wind let up.

B and Dave were out with a load of the old deck lumber after 8 adding it to the firewood pile. B gave meds to B and fed both B's, picked up Cooper who I had inside and were on their way before 9. It seems Cooper got a cut on his hip while adventuring. They were really worked up today about something in the east. I am guessing coyotes and barb wire on his hip dashing under fences.

Poor Lola is once again 3 legged lame, I gave her Metacam to help. As we ere playing some scrabble relaxing in bed we heard her bolt, bark and yelp then more barking. Following her sounds we dashed out to barbeque deck where S ducked back in yelling SKUNK. He quickly called her into the garage for the night allowing the skunk to move on and her to stay unsprayed and rest her leg.

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