Monday, May 11, 2020

Horse maintenance day

Another windy dreary day ahead but there was a few sun breaks. After coffee I put a coat of tung oil on the spools. After 10 we went out, S moved the harrows taking a swipe behind the shop before putting them away and I caught Bird and KD. Britt and Dr Jordan arrived around 10:30 and their busy appointment began. The horses were flex tested to see where they were sore.

In the meantime S loaded up the skid steer ready to head to town for a project but first he had an early lunch at 11. He then was off to complete the chore at noon. I caught Pepper too for testing. He had his hock's injected first after chiropractic then Bird & KD were chiro'd. I also brought in Bandit to get checked. We are worried about him as he seems off especially in balance. Dr J checked him out and confirms there is something off. We suspect he may have a mass in his brain pushing on eye and motor functions, poor guy. B will start him on steroids tonight.

Bird was then IRAP'ed in her stifles and front knees. The final part was drawing KD's blood to make her IRAP treatment. These busy bees finished up just before 2 and were off for the rest of their days appointments. I put the horses back in appropriate pens after they all were awake after sedation.

I came in for a bite of pizza and a bit of marketing before the next in line chair customer arrived. I was very happy to have this happen after the news Saturday night. We chatted for a bit as they have horses and wanted to know about IRAP then we got her chairs loaded up and on her way. Just after she pulled in S was soon after. He swapped 4 tires on the dump trailer to get more use and not have to buy 2 new. Good thinking.

Then it was big brown time for S in at 4 while I finished marketing then got meal # 3 made; maple glazed chicken. B and Coop stopped early at 6 to give Bandit his steroid shot and feed him and Bird. I ran out a clean rag to wipe Bird's injection sites she got dirty when having a nap. Often injected horses are stalled for a day to prevent any chances of infection but seeing no mud and just grass they were allowed to got back to their paddocks.

These pics were from the 9th when B brought the girls back to their paddock. I love evening sun.

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