Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother's Day Covid style

Happy mother's day everyone. I woke not feeling to spritely. It was as very lazy day around the ranch as it was super dreary ugly out. After a shower I crawled into bed to dry off. B and Cooper pulled in then just noon. She fed horses and did some other pursing in and out then eventually headed over to see Roo's progress for the week. She also brought me this sweet dianthus, THANKS B!

S had a sluggish sleepy day too sleeping in big brown after making some breakfast then hitting the bed after lunch. I got my burst of energy finally around 3 getting dressed and tidying up as the girls are coming for supper. They did not arrive till 5 after having to wait 50 minutes for Chinese food. To make matters worse once we started eating we found the meat to be "off" in a "sour and fizzy" taste. This had everyone no longer eating. Such a shame after such a wait and great intentions. Thanks for the effort girls.

card shark Lexi

Britt arrived after we started eating while hot but found it not the best. She had some rice and ginger beef and shared Roo's progress and cuts/eye scrape updates. She is doing well otherwise. Dave arrived a bit after having about the same as B. The sun finally came out. Sheldon went and changed Kaylin's oil and summer/winter tires while girls moved some boxes into their rooms for storage. We then played hearts while waiting for S to join us. A rousting game of oh crap followed then the girls were off to the city after 9 (hoping to return the Chinese food but only getting a $35 credit). Britt gave Bandit his pill then she Dave and Cooper set off for home too.

Using a selfie stick is NOT the best way to get a photo, my only regret was not getting the tripod and good camera. As I should no all to well, moments are precious and don't happen again and not to listen to impatient S. He can take the photo next time ;)

Thanks for the lovely Mother's day evening girls, it was really nice to see you all together after all these months! XOXO Happy Mother's day again to our very best Moms XOOX

forgot to share Britt's deck progress

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