Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Fairy bags dropped off and one recieved

Beautiful sunny morning!! We enjoyed a coffee in bed then I did some marketing. Lola was not keen to leave the garage this am with her leg still really sore but eventually after moving out plants and S getting a few things she moved out to the grass for some sun.

I gathered snacks for S to take along seeing there is no stops nor places to eat open once there. He set off and was back for the camera and on his way again just after 10. A check list was in order for today with first being to clean all sinks then create fairy gift bags.

I took a tour to deliver my 2 fairy bags, one to a neighbor south of us and one to gal in town. The first loop I made she was out talking to her neighbor and when I passed by again they were heading inside. I looped around and parked and as I was delivering the bag the gal came out of her backyard with her lawn mower LOL busted. It also turns out I did not read the tracking sheet well and she was now recieving 2 baskets today. Lucky lady.

I stopped for a visit and a bowl of KD at AJ’s. The kids were enjoying the nice bike weather with littles staying in to play. Little Clover is growing fast. On my way back to the ranch I detoured thru Tim’s to get an ice cap.

Back at the ranch just before 2, I had orders to mix up meds for Bird and Pepper and administer them. Lola came into the garage and stayed for the afternoon till after supper even. I let S & D out in winter pasture to graze to seeing their paddock was used by all prior to them being put in their so not much to eat but also more important to give grass a break too. Next on my list was to paint another spool. I started this one on the deck but the wind blew my protective paper and I was actually spattering. So I hauled it down to the grass and painted it up there. What a lovely sunny day, and I used every little bit of paint on this one.

It was now 4 and Shaina text there was a fairy delivery at my gate so off I hiked. I knew as soon as I saw the contents it had to be Sharon. Who else would know ALL my favorite snacks. XOXOX I did manage to wait until I had showered and did some marketing before cracking into the cheezies before 5. S was going to be home around 7 so that worked as an appetizer. I took out steak and got veggies all ready to roast.

the best fairy bag ever!!

B and Cooper stopped before 6. She mixed up Bandit’s steroids and gave to him along with food for him and Bird. Lola was not intersted in getting up to even see them. I had given her more metacam at 4 and booked a vet appointment to finally get xrays or something further done.

S arrrived home at 7, food went on and we ate about half hour later. SOOOOO yummy! He was then in big brown as I worked on the blogs after the steak scraps got Lola up, eating and outside. After my marketing and computer work I finished the season of restaurants on the edge and started season 2 of dead to me. S moved from chair to bed and asleep after his day.

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