Thursday, May 14, 2020

KD and Costco

After our morning coffee were loaded up KD and a cooler and headed west. It was sunny but horribly windy out. At Moore's S took B's car to Costco to grab some things while I stayed with KD while she got her IRAP injections. She had front - knees and back- hocks injected and a vial to spare for the future.

Her appointment lasted an hour but the shopper took 2. KD was quite distraught about it all calling and carrying on. Once he finally got back and we transferred stuff from B car to horse trailer we loaded KD and set off. Of course we swung by Tim's where I grabbed us a tea and muffin for lunch. We took the route home thru town dropping S at the tire store to pick up the merc. He ran to get some fuel filters and I headed home arriving just after 1:30. I walked KD to the paddock and found she had bleeding on one knee from the injections. B will clean this up tonight. First 24 hours are super important to keep clean.

I parked the trailer in front of the house and started unloading groceries. I was sorting the freezer when S got home and brought the rest in. We cut, bagged and froze the meats. S thought the tuna was on sale for an amazing deal $12.99- $3 coupon for a flat... uh no it was per package. SO we have $80 worth of tuna on hand and it was not even on the list as we are stocked with about 3 new packs!! Tuna will be our new go to meal oh that and 3 jumbo super packs of hot dogs. ;)

I got this sweet gift pack in the mail from a friend who runs abed and breakfast in Medicine Hat called Guesthouse 71, thanks Donna!

We ate a quick bite to eat. Big brown called the prince while I hot glued the lining back in the silverware chest and reposted it for sale. After his rest he went out to park the horse trailer and check out his vehicles. I waxed the silverware chest too before getting supper prepped. Lola got more medicam as still 3 legged lame and very slow moving.

This is what covid grad 2020 looks like, CONGRATS Brookelyn - photo Grama Pat

S came in after 6:30 but we did not eat till almost 7:30 when Britt and Cooper stopped out. She joined us for supper then went out to feed, medicate and clean KD’s leg. She also drew blood on Bandit to check for a brain abscess. What a great tech to have. She and Cooper were then off for home at 8:30. Lola actually got off the deck and went part way across the field but once called back for Cooper to load up she cratered under a tree for the night. The wind finally let up. S put the new resistor that arrived for the steamer. There was a bit of smoke once it was started up perhaps due to too much tape. Once he opened it up sure enough. After a few more shocking incidents he had it back together. I steamed out the garburator and sink drains to test it out. All good! Now to catch another Dead to Me and call it a night.

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