Monday, May 18, 2020

6 horses trimmed

This waking up at 5:30 everyday is getting silly. Today I was able to catch a few winks before getting up for the day at 7:30. I made a cappuccino while working on marketing. I served the prince his coffee in his favorite Ma & Pa K jumbo mug when he awoke. Lola went out to sleep at the front then getting her meds in her favorite liver.

He was off to town with the tractor bucket to meet the guy at 10. I wrote a tutorial for the wood tote and shared on a few pages. He was back in short order, unhooked the trailer and hooked to horse trailer for me to use later today. He gathered his travel items and cooked up some hot dogs to go along with our early lunch. Matt stopped to pick up the skid steer at lunch. Prince then rested in big brown prepping for his travel day and heading to the airport at 2. I prepped an antique coffee table for the next in line scraping, gluing and clamping.

Britt and Cooper arrived at 1 for our feet trimming marathon. We trimmed ALL 6 horses that are here finishing after 3:30. We loaded up Switch and Bandit and headed to Murray the chiro to get both adjusted along with Cooper. We were back home by 5. I unloaded and back the trailer into its spot while B fed the double B's before she and Cooper were off for home.

I made up a kale salad for supper with a side of rice chips, yum! Matt brought the skid steer back at 6:30. I headed to the garage to scrub up 3 projects; the coffee table I worked on this am, a nightstand I am planning to use in the basement and the coffee table Britt had been using in her old rental place. I came in at 8 leaving them to dry overnight.

check out the sweet hiding spot installed in the nightstand!

I finished Dead to Me season (another dam cliff hanger) and started a new series called Outer Banks

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