Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter

Easter Sunday had the same ground hogs day start with coffee and scrabble in bed. Candace then Mom facetimed us which was nice to see familiar faces on this day. S went to toss the hay while I gave Mom a tour of the latest pieces painted. I went and did meds once off the call. It is a bit brisk out there. Perfect time for S to dump the load of poop at the pit before it rises above zero. He hopes to use the dump trailer this week and take ranger in for a recall and windshield.

Notice Bird done eating and boys still chowing down, this is why she is a bean pole.

I prepped the turkey/stuffing and while doing so had a Zoom meeting with Mom, Paetz's and the girls.

The bacon was thrown in the oven for BLT's S made for lunch following the call. They were yum. He then was off to nap in big brown. I ran out Bird's tummy meds and did Bandit's eye, the sun disappeared as I came back in making for an ugly windy cool day outside. Then I painted the table base a second coat.

my poll had majority say Algonquin

These are opening huge and totally fill the house with lily fragrance

B popped out mid afternoon as S was waking and heading to the skid steer at the pit to push a bit more poop around. She fed Bird and did Roo's face. The weather got even worse off an on with blowing snow. I was back inside peeling potatoes, basting the turkey and getting  everything ready for supper. She headed back home at 4 for a bit then back out to join us after 5:30 for turkey supper. Lola was in while B had been with horses/Cooper (prevents them running away) and I noticed she has lost even more hair on her tummy. Looks like a deep clean is in order.

After supper the 3 of us worked on brushing out and cutting out mats and hair. B and S scrubbed her up with betadine scrub while I cleared up supper and made a plate for Dave.

We had pie then she gave Bandit eye meds and noticed his pouches may be swollen again ;( Seems he may need to be hauled back in and scoped. This could be what is pressing on his eye too.

She and Cooper then headed back to town to finish painting inside closets and hopefully work on her feature wall. There has been lots of issues continuing with buying a new nailer but actually a stapler and it not working then the store was closed. B did buy another light for $10 to replace the "ugly" one. It looks great. They also pulled off the double base boards covering the floor split, taped and mudded with a few more coats to go.

S kindly tossed hay for me tonight then was back in to download tonight's movie.. Pitch Perfect 3 while I scrubbed up the mountain of pots and pans then worked on the blog. The city girls had a successful rotisserie chicken supper tonight, well done girls and their isolation guys. We watched Pitch Perfect then followed it up with Molly's Game however I was getting dozy by 12:30 so we shut it off as still had an hour to go. It is a long but good movie.

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