Saturday, March 14, 2020

March snow storm blows in

The snow carried on blowing and drifting with a -19 upon waking. BRRRR Poor ponies but Lola seems unfazed.

Over 3 cappuccinos I wrote the yellow suitcase tutorial and shared on some sites then headed to garage to get Lola in and doctor her ear before trying another new product; reactive stain on the table top. It was scrubbed down first then applied and left to dry.

While it dried I went back to marketing. Then a second coat went on and left to dry while I researched which of the finishes goes next.

I cleaned up 2 jewelry boxes and after much debate decided to make some more caulked molds. It seems however I might be a rookie and maybe did not cut off enough of the end as the gun kept backing up caulk in the tube. But have no fear I saved the day with a plastic knife and filled the trays.

The temperature rose to -13 around 3 so I donned the covies and went out to give pills and haul out small squares. The bitter wind feels like your lungs are freezing but I got it done and the snow picked up right after I got in for a short blast. Back to working on tutorials while watching Love is Blind. It did let up for a bit after supper then back again around 7.

Seems it was a bad time to take the door sweep off and happy ponies below.

I applied the white oil to the table top and now it is left for 12 hours minimum. Back to tutorial writing and finishing Love is Blind. I started a new series called The Circle ; another social experiment reality show.

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