Sunday, March 15, 2020

Over 10,000 step day with lots of digging and lifting

It was -19 when I was up at 2 am and when I awoke after 8 it was bright and sunny but still -18. The day stayed sunny all day but only got up to -10 late afternoon.

I love my social distancing lifestyle

Get the cappuccinos going and marketing before heading out to put another coat of white oil on the table top. Once done I moved on to painting the base a dark charcoal. It looks lovely I think.

Lunch was a super fresh spinach and berry salad. I was just finished and texting with Jac in regards to refinishing help when B text just after 1 she was stuck in the yard. She made a run thru the main gate but at the same place Shaina got stuck a few years back so did she just inside the yard gate.

Cooper was SOOOOO excited to be at the ranch


 For the next 3 hours we spent it outside. We managed to dig the car out after plugging in the skid steer ready to plow the road. 

getting the high centered snow out .. success!!

 Once the car was free we checked all the horses. B fed Bandit and Bird some pelleted feed while I hauled out small squares for them and the rest. All the hay they have in the paddocks is buried in the snow. Like the drifted areas B was stuck in, the wind made a really hard top over soft snow. Roo was given her vaccine booster too.

Our next chore was to swap the spikes for the bucket on the skid steer and B was off plowing the road. I had started the truck and attempted again to get it and the hooked up horse trailer out of the frozen “lake”. I tried wood pieces, then sand, then gravel to no avail. Once B was down the road I hauled the chain over and hooked it between the truck and skid steer. Multiple tries and still no luck as the road around the yard was very icy as well. I said one more tug and we will call it quits and sure enough finally it popped out of the icy divots.

Now that it was after 4, B warmed up and chatted for a bit before she and Cooper set off for home. I cracked a cold beer as I put on hamburger for soup. I watched some more The Circle as I did computer work before moving to the tub to soak a bit. B getting stuck did allow me to get over 10,000 steps in today and I am feeling it ;) I think I finished 4 more episodes before night night time.

Enjoyed another super great smelling bath bomb, thanks K!! XOXO

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