Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday the 13th - Stormy day as forecast

It seems the forecast was right, snow was blustering around and -14 when I awoke. Time to make a cappuccino and get some marketing done before another phone call from Hometalk. This time it was in regards to the blogger side with a gal from Kentucky. Fed-Ex bust thru the snow and delivered Lola's dog food.

B had asked for me to put Bird's blanket on seeing it is supposed to get worse. I bundled up and went out around 3 to do this as well as put one on KD and give pills. I also ran the soap bar over the wood edges KD and others are knowing on seeing I was out there.

In the garage I started a new project trying my new carbide scraper. It took a bit over an hour but I got off all the original shellac like surface. I think in the future it will be faster after my learning curve.

 Before, during and after

I cooked up a roasted veggie and salmon supper. It was perfect on this frosty day.

Matt and Theo delivered eggs at 7 amid the blustery snow. I worked on tutorials and marketing, wrote a blog post for Placencia tour day then made the wood filler draw after 9. A fellow painter was the lucky winner which is nice. I was watching Love is Blind while writing and enjoying a smoothie then moved to the cozy bed. I finished up 4 3/4 more episodes with 3 left for tomorrow night. It was -18 when I shut out the lights with a wind chill of course.

The coyotes had Lola up thru the night. When I checked a couple times the horses were hunkered down too. One of the times I was up my throat felt sore so I double dosed on vitamin C. Prevention is key they say.

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