Saturday, November 30, 2019

Hunting day is a bust

S was up around 6 and off to meet Steve to hunt today. I woke at my usual heading out soon after to give Daisy her meds. It seems she is on a hunger strike and only had a bit of water. She was not interested in the beet pulp/med mix so had to go back and make an oral solution then find the Cushing's pill in the feed and poke it in her mouth along with both oral meds. I topped up her water and back to the house. I decided to pass on heading to the city to the Etsy market I won tickets and prizes for. My throat is scratchier and increased cough, best stay home. I worked on the vacation posts for the entire morning.

the outer layer of skin is now what she is peeling off

hoar frost is so pretty

 -17, brrr this am but it is warming to -11 when I went to check on her before noon. Still no food or water going in; ( I wiped up the new projects ready to start painting. Once paint color was confirmed the first coat started to go on. However after an hour I had to stop to go give Daisy her afternoon meds. It was so sunny an -9 out so I took her out for water and a visit with the rest. I even tied her to the hitching post while I gave Pep his and the rest an apple each. She did drink a little water at the trough but not much. She had ate a bit of hay too but outside she was foraging for grass like crazy so it seems she is just miffed with the stall life.

I put her back in and got back to finishing the first coat of paint then distressing all the edges. Pictures to the customer had them loving it but deciding to paint the cabinet interior. I finished up around 5:30 and headed inside to cook up an mushroom pizza for my supper. I am not a huge pizza fan but I do like these little Dr Oetker pizzas and ate 3/4! That and only 2 pieces of rye bread and some pineapple for lunch might make it even better.

A shower was in order then catching up on some marketing. While I was painting the cash register ring went off indicating an Etsy sale; it was the turquoise salt and pepper set. So now to package them all up and get the label printed. S text he had one miss this am and no luck spotting any other deer since then. He and Steve were eating Chinese food and would be home later.

I was just heading out for evening meds at 8:30 when he rolled in. I mixed molasses in Daisy's water in hopes of tempting her to drink and it seemed to work. Back inside I finally got our first day at Grand Canyon finished, whew that one seemed like lots of details. I also added some videos to a few of the last days I forgot so scroll back and check them out!

S jumped in the tub to soak while I finally had a relax in bed, this day seemed long. We watched an Explained on Netflix of cryptocurrency before shutting lights off early at 10:30!

Friday, November 29, 2019

BRRRRR, it's cold out

-19 this morning!! YUCK, I was headed out to give Daisy her meds and usual fluff and fill just after 8. I did not take her outside this morning but did give her a few laps in the arena. She was very upset I would not let her roll.

Back in the house it was time to roust S to make his coffee and me to get on posting the black bed frame for black Friday. I also worked on trying to catch up with more blog posts. Before lunch S attempted to install the new dog car seat cover I bought for the merc but it seems it is not built for it. Too late to return when it was ordered in August ;(

I made us some chicken noodle soup for lunch then we loaded up Lola and headed off to town after lunch. A quick stop to drop off my Etsy parcel and pickup Lola's dog food then S dropped me at Walmart to grab a few things while he and Lola ran thru Tim's drive thru to get us a tea then pick me up and off to her chiropractor appointment at 1:30. S waited in waiting room drinking his tea and soon we were done and on the road back to town to stop and let Cooper out and show Lola his backyard. I think he was really surprised she came to his house for a quick visit.

Before heading to the ranch there was another stop to get a deer tag and hunting license renewal for tomorrows hunt and then pick up a prescription. Back at the ranch I quickly put away  perishables and mixed the antihistamine and drew the dex up and took to Daisy along with a bucket of water. S unhooked the trailer and prepped for his hunting day before having a nap. I worked on the usual accounting and marketing for the rest of the afternoon. I also sketched and found wood for a possible sign order to go along with a growth ruler order. So much work to do next week!

For supper we cooked a scrumptious indoor barbeque. I mixed up roasted veggies while S tried his hand at cooking his spice rubbed steak in the cast iron pan. It was all very good.

He watched hockey while I plodded away at the blog posts as well as a bit of online shopping and trying to compile a gift list.  B and Cooper popped out before 8 to change Daisy's bandage and do med dispensary while I completed stripped her stall and added fresh shavings. Teamwork, thanks B!! She checked the outside horses and came in for a short visit while Cooper got a bit of a play then they were off for home before 9. I made a smoothie for the prince and I to soothe the sore throats and headed to bed to relax.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Daisy cut her leg so off to vet clinic

I woke at 7:30 with a still stuffed nose and sore throat. I jumped into my coveralls to head out and give Daisy her meds and take fresh water. I dredged her antihistamine then we headed out for water which she was not interested in but rather scooped a few mouthfuls of snow. It was bitterly cold -13 with a wind so after a few minutes walking around we went back into the arena for a couple loops. Heading back into the barn to get her feed and pill I turned to see red blood on her hind left foot. There was no reason for this and a quick pic sent to Britt said get her in here. (WARNING... blood in photos below)

I tied her to rail with some hay then ran to the house to grab a telfa pad and vet wrap and wake Sheldon to get the truck started. Before he left the battery was dead and when I tried to start it yesterday to take to close the gate it would not start. He got dressed and go on that task while I headed back out to wrap her leg quick. Back inside I changed into clothes, grabbed her meds and back out. The wound needed more wrap bleeding thru and of course I left inside. Once I retrieved it and wrapped it using the entire roll I filled they hay bag to put in horse trailer. Of course there was the dolly, wood, cardboard and large TV stand left from B's move so I hauled all but the TV unit to garage then got Daisy ready to load while S hooked the now running after jumped truck to the trailer.

By just after 9 we were on our way but had to go thru town as needed fuel. The snowy weather did not help our travels having us arrive at Moore's just before 10:30. Britt met us and soon we were in exam room 1 with Dr Jordan waiting. They sedated her first thing then got right into the cut. A minor artery was the cause of all the blood which Jordan clamped, shaved the site and searched around. The opening was so near the joint capsule she blocked it and pressure tested it then added antibiotics seeing she was already in the joint. Then she stitched it up leaving a drainage area for the cut off artery.

 Next she moved on to the skin issues taking 6 skin punch biopsies that Daisy was not a fan of now that she was waking back up. These had to be stitched up too. S waited in the truck for most of this not wanting to shut it off. He did run to Tim's to get us a tea and croissant and him a burger seeing we left with no coffee or breakfast like usual. This skin issues were contemplated by many vets and passing techs with no real answer. Dr Simon took skin scrapings and looked under microscope with no real findings either. Dr J sent the biopsies to the airport to get a jump on the results hopefully mid next week.

 punching the skin biopsies

Seeing we had her in and in the past her rump itching that broke many rails were addressed. We knew she had a few melanoma polyps on her butt but after Jordan did an ultrasound internally she found cysts in her uterus. The uterus was then flushed but the cysts did not change after a repeat ultrasound. Perhaps in the spring she may need them manually broken up. This poor girl by now was very over being in the clinic. A bag of bandages and antibiotics were packed up and she was put in a stall to wait while I watched Bandit getting his scope.

He has been the model patient they say never having been sedated to scope. B just holds a twitch on his nose and talks to him and he stands as they move the scope down his nasal passage then a canula which distributes the antibiotic gel. The vets are very pleased with his progress and after getting home tests finally confirmed he is NOT contagious and did not have strangles. Whew.

We loaded Daisy and were on the road back home  after 1:30. No wonder she had enough of 2 1/2 hours of poking and prodding. The weather was now clear and sunny but still bitterly cold. However as we got closer to home it clouded over and the snow was falling. I got her settled into her stall then double checked all the areas we were for possible places she may have caught her leg with NO blood anywhere other then once stepping into the barn. How crazy!

S headed to town right away for his 2:50 DR appointment we made it back just in time. I made a quick piece of raisin toast and mixed up her antihistamine and drew up the antibiotics then took them and more water back out to her with a few snacks; apple and beet pulp. She really was not a fan of any of them lol. I did another look around with still no results. 

Kaylin sent a picture of treat bags she made for homeless folks with new toque, mitts, socks and a Tim's card. She is so sweet and I am sure make a few peoples day! XOXOXO

Back to the house to pack up the green jewelry box sold on Etsy to take to town tomorrow. When S got back with groceries around 4:30 I threw supper in the oven and got to work on blog updates. Hot supper was yummy after this long day. After I got back to my blog posts and S to hockey game watching. The vacation blog posts take forever as I try and find the links to help you get more info and photos are not only from my phone but S's phone and the big camera. Once I get them they have to be edited, cropped, resized and watermarked before loading them up. I do hope you appreciate the work that goes into sharing our adventures and day to day life with you all :)

I did head out for the 8:30 medication dosage and water/food refill to our patient who really wants to just be done with it all. Poor Daisy, keep her in your prayers for a speedy recovery.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Milk paint stool class

I was awake at 5 ;(, this cold has moved to my sinuses and my throat is worse. S says his is too. I laid awake until 7:30 then got moving. I started my car to go lock the horses in the paddock seeing they were huddled in their shelter as it is a blustery -13 out. Getting Daisy out to move a bit in the prison yard disappointed when the others would not come over to see her in the wind. Back inside she ate her meds as I refilled her hay net and cleaned the stall. She has rubbed more hair off her face finding the 8X8 pillar her new rubbing post ;(

I then drove quick to the gate just in time to shut them in before they escaped. Back to the house for a cappuccino before my paint class. I was working on my second cup when B said I needed to give her more meds. I hustled back out before 9:30 but Daisy was not interested in eating, she just wanted to be free. The 10 o'clock class arrived early at 9:30 so the second cup was not to be had.

They had their stools painted in just over 3 hours with them heading off before 1 with stools in tow. I chugged the heated up coffee and caught up on marketing quick. B's new med routine says to try 1 1/2 scoops of the antihistamine every 6 hours for Daisy so out I went. She however was not interested in eating anymore meds. I took her out in the blustery weather for a short romp then in the arena. She was not pleased to be put back in again after I fluffed the stall. B is bringing steroids tonight after work that are IM so maybe they will help take an edge of this insatiable itch this poor girl has.

On my way to the house I took Pepper his pill, brrr. Time to clean up after my class and finish the first coat of sealer on the bed frame with a wee brush. I had a good client message looking for an accent chair and after a few photos back and forth I have another paint project on the docket.

It is sad that it is dark before 5 pm, sure  makes for a long night esp when windy and snowing. I posted the trash can deodorizer blog post but am almost out of posts seeing I have not created anything new LOL. Best get to work but this head cold is making me want to go soak in the tub! And that I did.

B arrived at 8, we hauled warm water/ betadine for B to scrub her bare patches while I fed her the left over food she did not eat this afternoon. I hauled hot water too to fill in her bucket which the cats were pleased with more then she. B gave her a double dose of IM steroid as another option to help the itch. However this one can cause founder in overweight horses so will be on the watch tomorrow. To be sure she got the antihistamine we had mixed it with warm water in a syringe and dosed her orally. B took her for some loops around the arena while I fluffed the bedding. We tucked her in for the night and headed to the garage. B was wondering if Bird was shivering in this -13 blustery snow and as we walked back Switch nickered.

B went to look and found Roo had a bloody cut on her foot. I  rounded up 2 halters and we caught her and Bird and took them into the barn. It turned out to be a very small injury so I put her back out once B had washed it all off then she fed Bird some food to keep her warm. Daisy was most pleased to have visitors to her sick bay and sad when they left.

Back inside the house,  B and I caught up on the latest updates on Bandit and Coopers new chiropractor she took him to in Calgary yesterday after drawing the blood feeding her a yummy gingersnap for her help. She headed home before 10. I made a smoothie for my late supper (lunch was not till after 3 with my other half of Vietnamese) and crawled into bed to watch Netflix. S arrived home a bit later before 11:30 seeing roads were snowy. Before going to sleep I checked my phone to see an Etsy sale for the green jewelry box, yeah, 1 good thing today!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Poor Daisy

Awake at 7:30 I looked out to see Daisy rubbing along the window frame. I quickly dressed and headed out taking her out for water as the sun rose. Poor girl is still so itchy. I gave her her tablet and powdered meds then came in for a bit to have a couple cappuccinos to get me going. I found the near perfect size board to tack down the bottom of the chicken wire that covers the stall window. I ripped a sliver off the one end using the mitre saw and screwed it up to be sure that she does not scratch an eye on it or catch her skin. Then I gave her a good brush with a curry brush that she enjoyed.

early morning sunrise

Roo comes to say hi

See chicken wire at the bottom edge above photo then fixed below photo

B popped out after 11 to give her more IV banamine and draw her blood. I took it to town to drop at our local vet clinic to be spun after my chiropractor appointment. I made a quick stop at UFA to look at heated water buckets but after seeing the price decided to keep taking her out for water and adding hot to her stall bucket ;) I had called ahead for an order of Vietnamese and on route swung thru Tim's for a chai then it was off for home. The blood test results were back and Daisy's liver and kidneys seemed fine, no real tell tale info to be had further.

I took her out for water and a walk around. I applied Cylence down her back to help kill any lice etc too. The others came for a visit too as the snow started to lightly fall. It was sunny (-1) when I left this am but now the snow is rolling in and temperatures are dropping. With each trip back and forth to Daisy I hauled in the antique tables Strath's had given me.

I hauled milk painted items out to display for class tomorrow and finished set up for it. Back inside the house then to do accounting and more vacation blogs.

Sharon has a slow feed hay net I ran over to grab and borrow for our patient. After 8, I took Daisy into the arena for some exercise circles then out for water but she was distressed the rest were off in the dark. I filled her hay net and added hot water, cleaned her stall and put her begrudgingly back in after eating her meds that I added to soaked beet pulp which she enjoyed much better. Fingers crossed these meds start working.

Inside I crawled into bed and watched Netflix on this snowy night.

Monday, November 25, 2019

S flies north for a 2 day work week

A blustery day today but still above zero even through the night but this is about to end they say. I was up at 9 to peruse Instagram after waking at 7 then falling back asleep. Both of us woke with a sore throat ;( I then set about working on the vacation blog posts. Lola was barking and I looked to see a coyote walking across the field near house. Calling the Prince he jumped out of bed, grabbed his rifle and in his underwear on the deck managed to sniper it off in one shot! Then he made coffee. As he made it I jumped into my coveralls with my housecoat and went to check on Daisy giving her hay and cleaning up the poop and filling her water.

such a sad looking girl missing her herd

S donned his jacket after a few coffees and went to retrieve the coyote and hung in the shed as well as letting the horses out in the pasture. I arranged custom drop off directions and posted my first Black Friday sale item on all the sites, then tidied the garage for paint class Wednesday and started to put the stools together.

We had lunch just before the 2 custom pieces were dropped off before 1. It was a quick drop and they were off. S packed up and was off to the airport for his short 2 day work week as I headed out to let Daisy out in the pasture with the others for a bit after applying ointment to her bare skin. She was happy to be out there and it wasn't 10 minutes before she rolled and scratched her belly. I gave her another 10 and she was rolling again this time rubbing off more hair so back out I went to catch her and bring her back to her stall.

Back inside I finished putting together both stools and set up their paint areas as well as got other items for the class out then snapped a few photos of the new custom pieces.

darn lighting.. they are both the same color actually

For the poster bed I went with a tinted satin finish. Almost 2 hours later it was sealed up and looking lovely. Seeing it was 5:30 I came in and cooked up half of the last zucchini with chicken fillets for my healthy supper.

I worked on more blog posts while watching a few Netlix episodes. Britt dropped off Daisy's meds at 7:30 having worked late. She popped them in the door and was off for home as Dave had supper ready and she had been with Bandit and until he is confirmed non infectious she could not be near Daisy. I waited for an hour then headed out to mix the meds in food for her. The poor girl had bit her chest breaking skin ;(

I got back inside to have Britt ask if her gums were yellow which indicates liver failure so back out I went. Trying to get photos was fun with only 2 hands and her not enjoying that. They seemed mostly pink with a slight yellow tinge but may be from all the lip wrestling.

Just after getting back to garage she said to check a few more areas so back out I went yet again. We are both hoping the meds kick in soon for the poor girl. Inside I got in my jammies, crawled into bed and watched a Shameless episode and more 100% Hotter episodes.