Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Milk paint stool class

I was awake at 5 ;(, this cold has moved to my sinuses and my throat is worse. S says his is too. I laid awake until 7:30 then got moving. I started my car to go lock the horses in the paddock seeing they were huddled in their shelter as it is a blustery -13 out. Getting Daisy out to move a bit in the prison yard disappointed when the others would not come over to see her in the wind. Back inside she ate her meds as I refilled her hay net and cleaned the stall. She has rubbed more hair off her face finding the 8X8 pillar her new rubbing post ;(

I then drove quick to the gate just in time to shut them in before they escaped. Back to the house for a cappuccino before my paint class. I was working on my second cup when B said I needed to give her more meds. I hustled back out before 9:30 but Daisy was not interested in eating, she just wanted to be free. The 10 o'clock class arrived early at 9:30 so the second cup was not to be had.

They had their stools painted in just over 3 hours with them heading off before 1 with stools in tow. I chugged the heated up coffee and caught up on marketing quick. B's new med routine says to try 1 1/2 scoops of the antihistamine every 6 hours for Daisy so out I went. She however was not interested in eating anymore meds. I took her out in the blustery weather for a short romp then in the arena. She was not pleased to be put back in again after I fluffed the stall. B is bringing steroids tonight after work that are IM so maybe they will help take an edge of this insatiable itch this poor girl has.

On my way to the house I took Pepper his pill, brrr. Time to clean up after my class and finish the first coat of sealer on the bed frame with a wee brush. I had a good client message looking for an accent chair and after a few photos back and forth I have another paint project on the docket.

It is sad that it is dark before 5 pm, sure  makes for a long night esp when windy and snowing. I posted the trash can deodorizer blog post but am almost out of posts seeing I have not created anything new LOL. Best get to work but this head cold is making me want to go soak in the tub! And that I did.

B arrived at 8, we hauled warm water/ betadine for B to scrub her bare patches while I fed her the left over food she did not eat this afternoon. I hauled hot water too to fill in her bucket which the cats were pleased with more then she. B gave her a double dose of IM steroid as another option to help the itch. However this one can cause founder in overweight horses so will be on the watch tomorrow. To be sure she got the antihistamine we had mixed it with warm water in a syringe and dosed her orally. B took her for some loops around the arena while I fluffed the bedding. We tucked her in for the night and headed to the garage. B was wondering if Bird was shivering in this -13 blustery snow and as we walked back Switch nickered.

B went to look and found Roo had a bloody cut on her foot. I  rounded up 2 halters and we caught her and Bird and took them into the barn. It turned out to be a very small injury so I put her back out once B had washed it all off then she fed Bird some food to keep her warm. Daisy was most pleased to have visitors to her sick bay and sad when they left.

Back inside the house,  B and I caught up on the latest updates on Bandit and Coopers new chiropractor she took him to in Calgary yesterday after drawing the blood feeding her a yummy gingersnap for her help. She headed home before 10. I made a smoothie for my late supper (lunch was not till after 3 with my other half of Vietnamese) and crawled into bed to watch Netflix. S arrived home a bit later before 11:30 seeing roads were snowy. Before going to sleep I checked my phone to see an Etsy sale for the green jewelry box, yeah, 1 good thing today!

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