Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Poor Daisy

Awake at 7:30 I looked out to see Daisy rubbing along the window frame. I quickly dressed and headed out taking her out for water as the sun rose. Poor girl is still so itchy. I gave her her tablet and powdered meds then came in for a bit to have a couple cappuccinos to get me going. I found the near perfect size board to tack down the bottom of the chicken wire that covers the stall window. I ripped a sliver off the one end using the mitre saw and screwed it up to be sure that she does not scratch an eye on it or catch her skin. Then I gave her a good brush with a curry brush that she enjoyed.

early morning sunrise

Roo comes to say hi

See chicken wire at the bottom edge above photo then fixed below photo

B popped out after 11 to give her more IV banamine and draw her blood. I took it to town to drop at our local vet clinic to be spun after my chiropractor appointment. I made a quick stop at UFA to look at heated water buckets but after seeing the price decided to keep taking her out for water and adding hot to her stall bucket ;) I had called ahead for an order of Vietnamese and on route swung thru Tim's for a chai then it was off for home. The blood test results were back and Daisy's liver and kidneys seemed fine, no real tell tale info to be had further.

I took her out for water and a walk around. I applied Cylence down her back to help kill any lice etc too. The others came for a visit too as the snow started to lightly fall. It was sunny (-1) when I left this am but now the snow is rolling in and temperatures are dropping. With each trip back and forth to Daisy I hauled in the antique tables Strath's had given me.

I hauled milk painted items out to display for class tomorrow and finished set up for it. Back inside the house then to do accounting and more vacation blogs.

Sharon has a slow feed hay net I ran over to grab and borrow for our patient. After 8, I took Daisy into the arena for some exercise circles then out for water but she was distressed the rest were off in the dark. I filled her hay net and added hot water, cleaned her stall and put her begrudgingly back in after eating her meds that I added to soaked beet pulp which she enjoyed much better. Fingers crossed these meds start working.

Inside I crawled into bed and watched Netflix on this snowy night.

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