She and I chatted and laid awake for the longest time trying to record the sound, listened to a podcast then sleep music. Eventually she fell asleep but I watched the clock to after 6 o'clock ;( And of course awake at 8:30. Time to get marketing and making cappuccinos even serving the princess one in bed after her alarm went of a few times around 10.

I staged the vanity up for some photos when 3 items were confirmed sold to a great customer. The grey tables and laundry sign. Thanks Patricia and Codi!!
Shaina was off to work at the golf course for 11:30 and just after she left it got windy and blew in some sprinkles. Not much but for the next few hours it would sprinkle and quit. I put another coat of poly on the vanity top (now it is complete ) and dining table then got back to tagging and market prep. I was just finishing up when Britt dropped off Cooper at 3:30. She turned around and headed back into work as short staffed. Seems she has had a few late nights this week but that means $$.
Seeing I had quite a bit of stock I left the two interested in the bread box I would sell it before the markets. One hesitated the other sent the money in 5 minutes, yeah another sale!
And then the cash register sound went on my phone and it was an Etsy sale! The azure pepper grinder I had just tagged and packed up so neat had to be found and repacked to go to the UNITED KINGDOM!! And seeing I did not have a box I created one ;) This is the best sale day!
I was updating my spreadsheet and pages and chatting with the prince when Shaina and Jacob arrived at 5. It did not take long and they were ready to ride. It did look grey but we caught the horses and before we went I trimmed KD all around and Switch's fronts. We attached a new fluffy cinch for Daisy and we were off... as it started to rain. And it socked in and came down the entire conditioning ride. Once we were back and untacking it really unloaded!!
rain coming straight down, this coat was dark green in short order
all soaked and one steaming pony
We let them go and into the house to pop a pizza in. As it cooked the rain stopped. but it did start drizzling again after Shaina and Jacob headed to the city before 8 taking the bread box for pick up with them THANK YOU!!
I got busy with computer work with Britt arriving soon after at 8. She got laundry on the go after feeding Cooper. I checked the rain gauge, 2/10 ths and still drizzling, I made us a decaf cappuccino to enjoy as we finished our chores.