Tuesday, July 10, 2018

rain as forecast

I let the dogs out before 8 like they ask then rustled the prince up around 8:30. He enjoyed a coffee before quadding out to see if the hay was dry enough to roll before the rain rolls in today as forecast but no luck. A local concrete guy stopped by to quote the sidewalk and get measurements. Another coyote was along our fence so the dogs took off however they did not come back so I set off to find them on the quad. Britt met them at the gate on her way in and sent them home.

S decided to mow the lawn before the rain and it was perfect timing as he finished it started to rain at noon. It was a perfect day to be in the garage and in the am I painted another couple coats on the end tables, hemp oiled the black chairs and table top then moved on to scrubbing the table base and starting it in black milk paint. I took a break to join Sheldon Skyping Helen & Blair who will arrive soon. He was them back to the comfy brown chair to rest while it rained while I went out to finish painting.

The sun came out at 3 and was beauty the rest of the day. S checked and we had just under 2/10ths of rain.

 The table base was sanded on a leg and tested with hemp oil, perfect look.

Seeing he was inside, prince made goulash for supper but Britt awake from napping all afternoon was off again to the city. We headed to town to do some returns only to find the stores closed at 7 so headed to Paetz's to celebrate Craig's 35 birthday~!!

 the little missys

2 toothbrushes are better then one, and today he added another new word, Nanna, Nanny ;) Always an enjoyable night of laughs with this crew. We headed home around 10 to relax in the big comfy bed.

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