Wednesday, July 11, 2018

rake and roll

After a coffee in bed, I staged a few pics of the black chairs now they are finished.

 Then I got working on the dining table hemp oiling the base then the end tables adding 2 coats of poly to the tops and doing the metallic on the bases. I did the top edge of one too as I felt it looked more cohesive and sent photos for approval.

left is metallic right is plain

Sheldon's morning found him heading out to rake the hay, then ran the cat trap back to the county and picked up lunch as he passed thru town. While we were eating our Vietnamese I heard the dogs and checked and saw a coyote near the house in a draw, they were off in hot pursuit sending him packing.  After a rest in big brown chair, S went to swath the winter pasture.

Another customer wanted dimensions on an armoire so I headed to the storage trailer to get them. While there I brought back the little rocking chair and doll high chair for Ada to play with once scrubbed up.

Shaina popped out after 5 for a quick visit. She crawled thru the stuck tractor door for Sheldon, thanks Dude. She was off before 6 for boot camp armed with a dish of goulash.

I headed back out to oil the entire table top, underside and base. At 27 outside, it was hotter in garage so things drying very fast. The end table lady replied she wanted to go with clear top so the one with the metallic edge was repainted the full top. While I did this, prince started haying big bales rolling up 15. While baling, S saw 3 coyotes back close to the house in the draw and lured the dogs back out on a jaunt.

We both finished up and started a fire. Another coyote was back not far from the house setting the dogs off on another chase. That makes 6 in the yard in one day!! Britt arrived late from working more over time and stopping for groceries and joined us around the fire. It was such a beauty night but around 10 as the sun started to set the mosquitoes came out and not long after we all headed in.

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