Monday, July 9, 2018

hot and sunny painting day

B did not get home last night till 1:30 but was off to work at 7 and has been requested to work till 8 tonight so going to be a long day. Projects on the go today were the black chairs painted a second coat of black then the latest custom end tables were hauled outside to scrub in the sunshine and once dry lightly sanded and painted the first coat of winter white

Seeing it was 28, I hauled the gate leg table out and finished the sanding on it in the shade.

I finished up around 4:30 which was perfect timing as I then had to go catch 4 horses, load and drive them to see chiro Murray. Bird was not happy to load, very sore and as it turned out the only one needing adjusting. Roo and Pepper each had a little one and Switch nothing but that was all good. We were there and gone in 45 minutes and that was even waiting for him to finish up friends from Hanna's horse.

 B's twins

I had them back home and in their paddocks after 6. Not long after a past customer and her husband dropped off a custom jewelry armoire they bought painted and it was horrid (look at the drips and yellow crud). They were also told it was solid wood but actually solid MDF ;( But I will make it pretty.

I was picking dandelions for the horses when I heard Lola off barking. I turned to see her hot on the trail of a coyote heading south along the fence line then veering off eat towards the canal with the little minion close behind. Calling did not divert her so I jumped on the quad and drove to the east fence where they were on their way back, Cooper soaked from probably hitting the canal waters, both proud as punch.

The now completely sanded table top was given a coat of hemp oil and it sucked it up rapidly.

B did not get home till 9:30 having to work even longer, whew. She showered changed and was off back to the city by 10!! Oh to be young again ;) Prince got home before 11 and changed and headed out to check the hay before rain tomorrow. He did roll up a few of the rows he had cut before he left making 6 bales and was back by midnight with it too tough to go on to the ones I cut.

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